about this website

Cancer Books Index is a resource to assist cancer patients who are interested in alternative treatments. With the wide range of alternative choices being discussed on the Internet and elsewhere today, it's very common, and completely understandable, to feel overwhelmed with information. We hope to ease the stress and confusion by presenting alternative cancer books in one location, to simplify the process of comparing and choosing books. Also, by searching our custom indexes, book topics can be easily and quickly scanned to accelerate the process of becoming familiar with alternative cancer subjects and terminology. Topics that carry the most "weight" throughout alternative thinking will be easy to focus on because they will be indicated by large index entries spanning multiple books that discuss them.

Throughout CBI's development, we've struggled with how to write each index entry in such a way as to "hint" at the information to be found on specific book pages, but not provide so much information as to infringe upon copyright protection or negate the necessity of actually purchasing books to access details. This has been very challenging because the index entries must, necessarily, include enough relevant information for Internet search engines to direct alternative-cancer related searches to our pages when certain keywords are looked up. But again - at the same time - we need to protect each author's work by not providing specifics within our summaries. After much trial and error, we feel that we've developed a workable, concise indexing style that will help a much wider audience discover these books - while also respecting copyrights.

In summary, our goal is to promote the vast wealth of information available in alternative cancer books in a way that both empowers cancer patients to learn more, and, simultaneously, supports authors by increasing awareness and sales of their books.

Thank you for your interest in our project. If Cancer Books Index has aided you in narrowing down your choices, please consider making your book purchases through our Amazon links (each book's title & cover image provides a direct link to Amazon). Buying through our links earns us a small, but greatly appreciated, commission. Your support enables our ongoing efforts to raise awareness of alternative, non-toxic cancer treatments.

With best wishes for ever-improving health and healing,

The CBI Team

June, 2015