M index 175 topics updated: 6-21-2016
- MALT (see: mycosa-associated lymphoid tissue)
- macrobiotics / macrobiotic diet (as cancer-fighting diet)
- various nutrition programs for cancer treatment (B3 49)
- noting peculiarities of longtime cancer diets (B3 146)
- macrobiotic diet's effect on pH (B3 347-348)
- summarizing 15 anti-cancer diets > "The macrobiotic diet" (B4 234-236)
- a stage 4 ovarian cancer recovery via combined alternative & conventional (B6 47)
- why Shin didn't follow a strict diet in his long term kidney cancer recovery (B6 69)
- Saranne details many changes leading to stage 4 breast cancer reversal (B6 183)
- stage 3 liver cancer recovery > why Kathryn didn't adopt a strict diet (B6 208)
- macronutrients
- macrophage engulfment
- 6 built-in body mechanisms to stop early cancer development (B3 82)
- macrophages
- macrophages - as destroyers of microbes, antigens, and others (B1 83)
- a study showing aloe vera's macrophage-activating potential (B1 245)
- how mannans aid macrophages & immunity | aloe vera (B1 246)
- listing benefits of cat's claw > stimulate macrophages (B1 253)
- how echinacea benefits macrophages (B1 260)
- how melatonin assists the function of macrophages (B1 277)
- medicinal mushrooms, immunity, and macrophages (B1 282)
- MacWilliam, Lyle (author of: Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements)
- choosing quality supplements (B2 94)
- Madaus, Dr. Gerhard
- an impressive list of echinacea's nutrients (B1 260)
- mad hatter syndrome (a disease of 19th century hat makers)
- describing this disease and its link to mercury poisoning (B1 378)
- magnesium
- 5 mineral supplements useful for raising pH > magnesium (B1 91)
- how heavy metal toxicity can interfere with magnesium (B1 178)
- list of anti-cancer ingredients in berries > magnesium (B1 231)
- magnesium is included in a list of 7 macrominerals (B1 235)
- "Nutrition is Essential" > "...Minerals" | magnesium in treatment (B1 235-236)
- magnesium - as one of 6 nutrients to combine for cancer prevention (B1 237)
- the healing power of aloe vera > magnesium's analgesic effects (B1 244)
- magnesium - in a 5-item list of ginger's nutrients (B1 267)
- magnesium - as an iodine enhancer (B1 274)
- linking: IP6, heavy metals, and magnesium (B1 275)
- how the phytin in soy negatively affects magnesium in the body (B1 310)
- linking: mold, aflatoxin, peanuts, and magnesium (B1 315)
- - and 4 other essential minerals blocked by soy's phytic acid (B1 396)
- recommendations to assist with blood glucose management (B3 9)
- discussing basic mineral supplementation (B3 13)
- "Cell Membrane Dynamics" > mineral balance & the "electrolyte soup" (B3 38)
- "Nutrients Affect...Immune System" > magnesium, immunity, & cancer (B3 111)
- how magnesium supplementation affects insulin sensitivity (B3 126)
- positive synergy between magnesium & calcium (B3 132)
- study: combined nutrients favorably impacting cancer incidence (B3 133)
- 4 crucial minerals for prevention and recovery (B3 259)
- magnesium's importance for health and cancer prevention / recovery (B3 261)
- magnesium oxide
- detoxifying with magnesium oxide (B4 200)
- magnet-based therapy
- "Energy Medicine" > "Simple magnet-based therapy" | Gary Null (B4 417-418)
- magnetic field therapy
- "Complex Electromagnetic Therapy Machines" (7 total) (B4 419)
- magnetic pulse generator / magnetic pulser
- "Energy Medicine" > "...Beck's blood purifier & magnetic pulse gen..." (B4 415)
- stage 3 colon cancer story > modalities at Cougar Mountain Therapy Center (B6 269)
- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- "How Cancer is Diagnosed" > "Imaging Techniques" (B3 69)
- Magnetic Therapy [book] (author: Abbot George Burke)
- grape juice cure > details and testimonials (B2 258)
- Maharishi Amrit Kalash (MAK)
- Maharishi Ayurvedic therapy
- "Mind-body therapies" (13 total) > "Maharishi Ayurveda therapy" (B4 460)
- maitake (medicinal mushroom)
- medicinal mushrooms > anti-cancer properties of maitake (B1 282)
- mycotoxins > benefits of maitake (despite its fungal nature) (B1 316)
- summarizing 9 anti-cancer, medicinal mushrooms > "Maitake" (B4 291)
- maitake D-fraction
- major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
- "Immunology 101A" > overview of the components of immunity (B3 106)
- maldigestion
- Chapter 24, "Changing the Underlying Causes of Cancer" (B3 346-347)
- malignant cells
- using nutrients to reverse or re-regulate pre-malignant cells (B3 84)
- malnutrition (in cancer patients)
- "21 Days to a Healthier Cancer Patient" > "Day 5: Avoid Malnutrition" (B3 9)
- 5 ways nutrition helps cancer patients > malnutrition improvement (B3 24)
- malnutrition - as a possible cause of death (B3 45)
- how cancer impacts a patient's health (B3 61)
- "Note to the Oncologist" > nutrition therapy in comprehensive treatment (B3 75)
- 5 reasons for using aggressive nutrition in cancer treatment (B3 80)
- using TPN (total parenteral nutrition) to combat malnutrition (B3 84-85)
- Chapter 8, "Malnutrition Among Cancer Patients" (B3 91-97)
- the case for Americans being "over-fed, yet under-nourished" (B3 138-139)
- maltitol
- a list summarizing 18 caloric sweeteners (B3 116)
- maltose
- the molecular structure of sugars (B3 114)
- mammogram(s)
- discussing the radiation exposure risk of CT scans (B1 64)
- Dr. Charles B. Simone - on breast cancer risk from mammograms (B1 185)
- how mammograms affect the risk of breast cancer (B1 188-191)
- conventional prostate cancer treatment, mammography, and hype (B1 199)
- unimpressive benefits and harm resulting from mammography (B4 65)
- manganese
- Chapter 19, "Minerals" > manganese connection to SOD antioxidant (B3 265)
- mangosteen
- "The Healing Attributes of Individual Foods" (36 total) > "Mangosteen" (B4 258)
- Manna Storehouse
- describing the SWAT-like raid of a food cooperative (B1 402-403)
- mannoheptulose (an avocado extract / sugar)
- 6 glucose-specific tactics to help cancer patients (B3 121)
- Mantle, Mickey
- Mickey Mantle, liver disease, lung cancer, and Dr. Kasper Blond (B1 222)
- Maori community
- the healing benefits of strong social support | Atarangi Muru (B6 199)
- Margraf, Dr. Harry
- colloidal silver > Dr. Harry Margraf - on silver's germ fighting abilities (B1 258)
- marijuana (see: hemp)
- Martini, Betty
- Betty Martini - linking: tamoxifen, rBGH, IGF, & breast cancer (B1 186-187)
- Mason, Roger (author of: The Natural Prostate Cure)
- Roger Mason - in a list of authors acknowledged by Bill Henderson (B2 xx)
- mastectomy
- How useful is surgery / mastectomy for breast cancer? (B4 82)
- Mathe, Dr. Charles (French cancer specialist)
- Would he ever personally use conventional cancer treatments? (B1 71)
- Matrix Energetics
- metastatic pancreatic cancer recovery > Susan's experience with energy healing (B6 96-97)
- Max Plank Institute
- Gerson therapy > Max Plank Institute: protein from non-meat sources (B1 139)
- Mayer, Dr. Daniel
- persecution of Mayer & Dr. Di Stefano for use of albarin (aloe extract) (B1 55)
- Mayo, Dr. Charles
- kidney cleansing > Mayo - on diseases resulting from water hardness (B1 221)
- Mayo Clinic
- Dr. Charles Mayo - on diseases resulting from water hardness (B1 221)
- McBean, Eleanor (author of: The Poisoned Needle)
- The Poisoned Needle - linking tuberculosis to the smallpox vaccine (B1 355)
- McCabe, Ed (author of: Oxygen Therapies: A New Way of Approaching Disease)
- his book, Budwig theory, cellular oxygenation, and lipoproteins (B1 116)
- Ed McCabe detailing how oxygen is transported to cells | Budwig (B2 144)
- McCarrison, Dr. Robert
- Dr. Robert McCarrison - on the Hunza people's lack of cancer (B1 172)
- McClam, Erin
- "...Beating Diabetes" > McClam reveals shocking diabetes increase (B2 352)
- McGill Cancer Center
- McGill study: % of oncologists who wouldn't personally undergo chemo (B1 69)
- percentage of oncologists who find chemotherapy unacceptable (B2 74)
- McGrath, Dr. Kris
- linking: antiperspirants, underarm shaving, & breast cancer (B1 191)
- McLaughlin, Dr. Jerry
- his work with acetogenin compounds of the annonaceae family (B1 164)
- graviola, paw paw, annonaceous acetogenins, MDR, ATP, Purdue (B2 207-210)
- McMahon, Bryan (TCM practitioner)
- - on the healing benefits of deep introspection (B6 49-50)
- McQueen, Steve (famous 1970's movie actor)
- refuting the mainstream story that Dr. Kelley killed McQueen (B4 511)
- Ch. 6, "Laetrile" > how the news media misrepresented McQueen's death (B5 81-82)
- MDR (see: multidrug-resistant cancer cells)
- meal delivery
- strengthening social support > "If You Are the Loved One of a Cancer Patient" (B6 215-216)
- meat
- "Meat: good or bad?" | glutathione, whey, colostrum | Ian Clements (B4 261)
- mebendazole
- summarizing mebendazole's anti-cancer use (B4 398)
- media sources
- 6 simple suggestions for increasing positive emotions (B6 191)
- medical establishment (see: conventional cancer treatment)
- medical intuitive
- Patti Conklin - on fear and the need for physical, emotional, & spiritual re-alignment (B6 142-143)
- Medicina Alternativa
- Medicina Alternativa - as a source for purchasing vitamin B17 (B1 174)
- medicinal mushrooms (see also: mushrooms)
- "The Healing Attributes of Individual Foods" (B4 256)
- Medina, Dr. Daniel
- - on methylselenol, selenium, & killing cancer cells via apoptosis (B1 295)
- MediSin [book] (author: Dr. Scott Whitaker)
- MediSin - coverage on chromium GTF for diabetes (B1 237)
- meditation
- health & anti-cancer benefits of meditation | how to meditate instruc. (B4 461)
- meditation > and spiritual energy
- Sister Jayanti & Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization (B6 219)
- "Deepening Your Spiritual Connection" > "The Importance of Regular Practice" (B6 224-225)
- stage 4 glioblastoma reversal > meditation experiences at John of God (B6 241-242)
- describing the healing environment of John of God's center in Brazil (B6 250)
- meditation > guided imagery
- Ch. 3, "Following Your Intuition" > suggestions for increasing intuition (B6 103)
- stage 4 splenic marginal zone lymphoma recovery > releasing fear & increasing positivity (B6 126)
- Bridget's approach to spiritual healing in her uterine cancer reversal (B6 220)
- "Deepening Your Spiritual Connections" > 7 "Action Steps" (B6 252)
- meditation > healing from
- meditation > health benefits
- studies showing scientific validity of spiritual practices (B6 227-229)
- meditation > insights during
- meditation > quieting the mind
- "Deepening Your Spiritual Connection" > "The Importance of Stopping the Mind" (B6 226-227)
- meditation > releasing suppressed emotions
- medium chain triglycerides (MCT's)
- Chapter 23, "Accessory Factors" > "Medium Chain Triglycerides" (B3 328)
- medulloblastoma (most common childhood brain tumor)
- Is there a link between vaccination and pediatric brain cancer? (B5 35)
- Megson, Dr. Mary
- Dr. Mary Megson - on vitamin A deficiency among autistic children (B1 360)
- Meinig, Dr. George E. (author of: Root Canal Cover-Up)
- melanocytes
- melanoma skin cancer & melanocytes (B1 194)
- melanoma
- cancer industry's use of non-melanoma skin cancer to "sweeten" stats. (B1 73)
- LifeOne therapy's clinical success with melanoma (B1 156)
- necessity for advanced cancer treatment of metastatic melanoma (B1 194)
- why vitamin C & EFA's combo may benefit melanoma patients (B3 130)
- differentiating between severity of different skin cancers (B3 241)
- melatonin & relapsed melanoma (B3 246)
- how well melanoma responds to Hoxsey therapy | Bio-Medical Center (B5 51)
- examining Protocel® study data on different cancer types (B5 158)
- deciding which Protocel® formula to start with (B5 173)
- "Will Protocel® Work on Skin Cancer?" (B5 191)
- case story: using Protocel® to treat a horse's melanoma (B5 200)
- heroin & met-enkephalin research prompts Dr. Bihari to try LDN vs. cancer (B5 295)
- ellagic acid > list of responding cancers | Dr. Daniel Nixon (B5 310)
- study: stress reduction boosts immune response | natural killer (NK) cells (B6 141)
- melanoma > case stories
- melatonin
- how electromagnetic fields (EMF's) interfere with melatonin (B1 204)
- list of benefits of eating cherries > melatonin (B1 231)
- a section on melatonin's many benefits for cancer patients (B1 276-279)
- melatonin's inclusion in Chapter 17, "Glandulars" (B3 243)
- detailing the many anti-cancer properties of melatonin (B3 245-246)
- info. for metastatic lung & estrogen-dependent breast cancer (B4 375-376)
- Mellon, Andrew W.
- melphalan (chemotherapy drug)
- Ralph Moss - on the carcinogenicity of various chemo drugs | leukemia (B5 409-410)
- Melville, Arabella
- Arabella Melville's book, Cured to Death - on drug trials manipulation (B1 12)
- membrane fluidity
- 5 ways fish oil / EPA may help w/ cancer > cell membrane benefits (B3 249-250)
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC)
- "The Ralph Moss Story" > suppression of laetrile at Sloan-Kettering (B1 49-52)
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering's early use of chemotherapy (B1 68)
- Sloan-Kettering's attempt to obtain Rene Caisse's Essiac formula (B1 131)
- Sloan-Kettering dismisses laetrile, but their eminent Dr. doesn't (B1 173)
- defining the "cancer industry" | why MSKCC fired Ralph Moss (B5 7-8)
- results of their study of Essiac | sheep's sorrel | Dr. Stock (B5 57)
- their cover-up of laetrile study results and Ralph Moss' termination (B5 80-81)
- an example of Protocel® suppression (B5 155)
- "The Rife Machine" > MSKCC and pleomorphic bacteria-virus (B5 239)
- their dismissal of Dr. Raymond Brown's positive 714X report (B5 251-252)
- detailing the early history and failures of chemotherapy (B5 408)
- Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura's encouraging laetrile research (B5 415)
- 11 examples of alternative treatments with scientific or medical credentials (B5 451)
- menadione (see also: vitamin K3)
- anti-cancer properties of vitamin K | benefits of combining vit. C & K (B3 287)
- Merck
- Mercola, Dr. Joseph
- $ incentive for med. journals to print favorable drug articles | Golumb (B1 30)
- Mike Adams' allegory, "...Town of Allopath" - on Mercola's website (B1 42)
- Dr. C. Simone - on mammograms & breast cancer risk | Mercola web (B1 188)
- Dr. Mercola - as source for coenzyme Q10 (B1 257)
- Dr. Joseph Mercola - on the consequences of antibiotic use (B1 288)
- Dr. Mercola's natural sunscreen product (B1 297)
- Dr. Mercola - on damaging effects of methylmercury exposure (B1 314)
- Dr. Mercola - on how animals react to GMO foods (B1 326)
- Mercola website: Jeffrey Smith - on suppression of GMO research (B1 328)
- Pam Floener - on the toxicity of mercury amalgam (B1 380)
- mercury
- ill health, incidence of cancer, and mercury dental fillings (B1 92)
- "Five Steps & Seven Toxicities" > "Heavy Metals" (B1 178-179)
- kidney cleansing > the kidney's role in mercury removal (B1 220)
- magnesium, glutathione, & mercury neutralization (B1 236)
- linking: garlic, germanium, and chelation of mercury from the body (B1 266)
- iodine's role in removing mercury from the body (B1 273)
- Does high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) contain mercury? (B1 305)
- mercury in seafood & dental fillings - effects on human health (B1 314-315)
- ethyl mercury in vaccines (B1 354)
- Congressman Dan Burton, vaccination, autism, and mercury overdose (B1 359)
- medical denial of the connection between vaccine mercury and autism (B1 360)
- synergistic destructiveness of toxins > mercury combined with lead (B1 368)
- mercury in "mercury-free" vaccines | thimerosal | aluminum (B1 375-376)
- "Get Rid of the Mercury & Reverse Alzheimer's" (B1 377-385)
- dentists' avoidance of mercury fillings, but continued use of root canal (B1 387)
- mercury amalgam fillings
- cancer causes > "Dental Toxins" > "Mercury Amalgam Fillings" (B2 187)
- mercury poisoning
- the pervasive problem of mercury poisoning & health damage (B3 340-342)
- meridian system
- metabolic replacement therapy
- "...Underlying Causes of Cancer" > "Gland or Organ Insufficiency" (B3 344-345)
- metabolic therapy (see also: enzyme therapy)
- metaplasia (pre-cancerous indicator)
- "Can Nutrients Reverse...Cancer...?" > folate & bronchial metaplasia (B3 83)
- metastases (distant tumors of a primary cancer)
- "Following Your Intuition" > "Susan's Story" > healing pancreatic cancer (B6 88)
- metastasis (the active spreading of cancer)
- "Dr. M. Rath - Vitamin C & Lysine / Proline" > green tea vs. metastasis (B2 152)
- "Cancer in a host as a "seed in the soil" (B3 21)
- how nutrition can interrupt progression toward metastasis (B3 82-83)
- folate & metastasis (B3 96)
- 6 glucose-related therapies to thwart cancer metastasis (B3 120-121)
- panax ginseng's activity against metastasis (B3 232-234)
- why melatonin may help with metastatic lung & breast cancers (B3 246-247)
- fish oil's anti-metastasis property (B3 250)
- vitamin D3's effect on cancer growth and metastasis (B3 281)
- coumarin, vitamin K, & metastasis (B3 288)
- 5 ways that maitake D-fraction may benefit cancer patients (B3 306-307)
- meta-vitamin functions
- dose-dependent effects of vitamins | the case for exceeding RDA (B3 287)
- met-enkephalin (aka: OGF)
- summarizing the anti-cancer potential of opioid growth factor (B4 377)
- methanol (wood alcohol)
- methotrexate (chemotherapy drug)
- methyl jasmonate
- linking: methyl jasmonate, leukemia, breast, & melanoma cells (B4 376)
- methylation
- the association between trimethylglycine (TMG) and methylation (B3 324)
- methylglyoxal
- "Other Supplements" (32 total) > "Methylglyoxal" (B4 380)
- methylselenocysteine (MSC) (a form of selenium)
- anti-cancer properties of MSC (B1 295)
- methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM)
- Mexican Cancer Clinics
- MGN-3
- a testimonial on MGN-3 for liver cancer (B2 x)
- MGN-3 - and the forced shutdown of Lane Labs (B2 53)
- "Immune System Boosters" > "MGN-3 (R.I.P.)" (B2 131)
- comparing MGN-3 with RM-10 Ultra (B2 132)
- discussing Oncolyn, MGN-3, and RM-10 Ultra (B2 133)
- "Where's The Proof?" > MGN-3 & anecdotal evidence (B2 135)
- a negative experience when switching to Burzynski therapy (B2 275-276)
- "Immune Therapies" > MGN-3, Big Pharma, monoclonal antibodies (B2 286)
- 36 "Other Anti-Cancer Formulations" > "MGN-3 (BioBran, Noxylane)" (B4 399)
- microbe(s)
- Rife, oscillator frequencies, pleomorphic, Universal Microscope (B1 48)
- microbes - in a summary of immune system components (B1 83)
- "The Microbe Theory" > pleomorphic microbes & cancer (B1 93)
- theory: microbes as "cleanup crew" rather than cause (B1 94)
- Beauchamp's "cellular theory" vs. Pasteur's "germ theory" | pleomorphic (B1 97)
- antimicrobial action of bio-oxidative therapies > hyd. peroxide & ozone (B1 105)
- Bob Beck, Lyman & Kaali, & use of electricity to disable microbes (B1 110)
- use of Beck's "Blood Electrifier" for removal of microbes from the body (B1 112)
- "Frequency Generators", microbial theory, killing microbes in cells (B1 133)
- Rife Machine - and the destruction of microbes in cancer cells (B1 134)
- electromedicine, electroporation, Grape Cure, Cellect, colloidal silver (B1 136)
- progression: toxic, low-oxygen environment to microbe proliferation (B1 212)
- magnesium chloride - and the destruction of microbes (B1 235)
- coconut's lauric acid vs. pathogens and microbes (B1 263)
- tubules in root canals - as "safe havens" for microbes / disease (B1 388)
- Dr. Shrimplin - on root canal, anaerobic microbes, & immune system (B1 389)
- Microhydrin (aka: Active H)
- list of Microhydrin's 5 powerful effects | Patrick Flanagan (B4 399)
- micronutrients
- Ch. 13, "Healing Power of Whole Foods" > benefits of micronutrients (B3 140)
- microwave oven
- how they affect nutrients in food (B3 165)
- microwave resonance therapy
- "Misc. Healing Machines & Therapies" > "Microwave res... (MRT)" (B4 423)
- microzymia
- Rife > explaining Bechamp's theory of microbe pleomorphism (B5 232)
- Miles, Pamela (reiki practitioner)
- - on the non-invasive healing power of reiki touch (B6 201-202)
- milk
- milk thistle / silybum marianum (aka: silymarin)
- Chapter 16, "Herbs" > "Silymarin" (B3 229-230)
- anti-cancer properties of milk thistle / silymarin (B4 283)
- 32 supplements / treatments compatible with Protocel® therapy (B5 178)
- millet
- mind, stopping the
- "Deepening Your Spiritual Connection" > "The Importance of Stopping the Mind" (B6 226-227)
- mind-body connection
- "Referral Agencies" > "Mind & Body Connection" (B3 374)
- the mind-body connection and its healing significance (B4 446-448)
- mind-body therapies
- summarizing 13 mind-body therapies (B4 457-470)
- mind over body (see also: positive emotions)
- mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR)
- "Releasing Suppressed Emotions" > 6 steps for clearing emotions (B6 161-162)
- mineral spas
- advanced kidney cancer recovery > the role of detox & relaxation (B6 68)
- minerals
- a comment on vitamins and minerals in alternative cancer treatments (B1 xxviii)
- the Grape Cure - and trace mineral depletion in soils (B1 113)
- relationship between cancer incidence and alkaline minerals in water (B1 122)
- Dr. Brewer's use of vitamins & minerals to enhance cesium uptake (B1 123)
- how minerals are extracted from Essiac tea | decoction vs. infusion (B1 132)
- Gerson therapy > the nutrients / minerals in fresh pressed juices (B1 140)
- "5 Steps in Treating Cancer" | minerals in physiology boosting (B1 176)
- heavy metals displacing essential minerals in the body (B1 178)
- disappearing honeybees, ambient cell phone signals, magnetite (B1 181)
- essential minerals in Super Beta Prostate™ (B1 199)
- how soil-mineral depletion impacts food nutrients (B1 226)
- - in discussing foods that fuel cancer vs. foods that fight cancer (B1 227)
- mineral-rich well water - in the nutrition of a century ago (B1 227)
- list of the harmful attributes of French fries > missing minerals (B1 228)
- minerals in plant foods and sprouts (B1 230)
- minerals in berries (B1 231)
- interdependency between vitamins, enzymes, and minerals (B1 232-234)
- minerals > macro vs. micro | magnesium, calcium, chromium, zinc (B1 234-238)
- list of the plentiful nutrients in chlorella and spirulina > minerals (B1 243)
- apple cider vinegar (ACV), blackstrap molasses, & minerals / vitamins (B1 247)
- bee pollen's minerals are noted (B1 248-249)
- essential minerals in honey (B1 249)
- essential minerals in propolis (a bee product) (B1 250)
- listing the minerals provided by royal jelly (a bee product) (B1 251)
- Dr. Eades': The Doctor's Complete Guide to Vitamins & Minerals (B1 253)
- minerals - in a list of nutrients available in echinacea (B1 260)
- how IP6 affects heavy metals and beneficial minerals in the body (B1 275)
- section titled: "MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution)" (B1 279-281)
- a section on the anti-cancer properties of the mineral selenium (B1 294-295)
- mineral content of distilled water (B1 298)
- zeolites (volcanic minerals) - and removal of heavy metals & toxins (B1 299-300)
- how phytin in soy interferes with essential minerals in the body (B1 310)
- health hazards of the mineral asbestos (B1 311)
- Chapter 16, "Fluoride" > fluorine bound with minerals to form fluorides (B1 341)
- how the phytic acid in soy interferes with essential minerals (B1 396)
- how Codex will affect access to vitamin & mineral supplements (B1 399)
- supplemental minerals at Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez's NYC clinic (B1 412)
- minerals at the Nevada Center of Alternative & Anti-aging Medicine (B1 414)
- vitamin and mineral infusions at Reno Integrative Medical Center (B1 415)
- how modern corporate farming practices affect nutrition content (B6 115-116)
- minor dietary constituents (MDC's)
- "Essential Nutrient Pyramid" > the role of MDC's in nutrition (B3 143)
- mint
- summarizing 38 anti-cancer herbs > "Mint" (B4 284)
- Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) (aka: sodium chlorite)
- the history and anti-cancer benefits of MMS (B1 279-281)
- discussing the anti-cancer use of MMS | Jim Humble (B4 400)
- mistletoe (see also: Iscador)
- Mitchell, Terri
- summarizing Dr. Gonzalez's metabolic typing theory (B5 95)
- mitochondria
- cellular energy, ATP, mitochondria, and the Krebs cycle (B1 82)
- cellular energy production in the mitochondria via aerobic respiration (B1 83)
- damaged mitochondrial ATP mechanism & disrupted cell respiration (B1 84)
- mitochondria location within the cell (B1 86)
- explaining how vitamin C assists with oxygen transport to mitochondria (B1 147)
- acetogenin & annonaceae - in reduction of ATP in mitochondria (B1 164)
- how PEMF's can assist ATP production in the mitochondria (B1 206)
- study: capsaicin disruption of cancer's mitochondrial function (B1 254)
- how coenzyme Q10 facilitates ATP production in the mitochondria (B1 256)
- resveratrol's activity against cancer's mitochondria (B1 293)
- Dr. Shrimplin: root canal microbes disrupting mitochondria | thio-ethers (B1 389)
- mitochondria damage
- mitomycin C (chemotherapy drug)
- mitosis
- "Biology 101 & Cancer" > explaining how the body creates new cells (B1 85)
- Hollings Cancer study: ellagic acid impacts mitosis and apoptosis (B1 261)
- ellagitannins (raspberries) & mitosis inhibition | G1 arrest | Dr. D. Nixon (B1 262)
- selenium - in tumor prevention & blocking of mitosis in defective cells (B1 294)
- MMR vaccine (measles, mumps, rubella)
- the story of a child's "forced" MMR vaccination (B1 353)
- "Vaccinations & Autism" > "reversed development" after MMR (B1 359)
- linking: deficiency of vitamin A in autistic children & the MMR vaccine (B1 360)
- Dr. V. Singh - and the link between autism and the MMR vaccine (B1 361)
- a debate with a pediatrician about vaccination and autism (B1 374-375)
- modified citrus pectin (MCP)
- "Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP)" | prostate cancer info (B4 377)
- Moerman diet
- summarizing 15 anti-cancer diets > "The Moerman diet" (B4 233)
- Mohr, Dr. P.E.
- progesterone & importance of breast cancer surgery menstrual cycle timing (B5 337)
- Mohs, Dr. Frederic
- skin cancer > Dr. Frederic Mohs' "chemosurgery" is explained (B1 195)
- Molinari, Guy (Congressman)
- Congressman Molinari's hearings on Dr. Revici's therapy and license (B2 280)
- molybdenum (an essential trace mineral)
- Chapter 19, "Minerals" > "Molybdenum" (B3 268)
- monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI)
- a warning about hydrazine sulfate and foods that contain tyramine (B1 202)
- monoclonal antibodies
- "Immune Therapies" > monoclonal antibodies (B2 286)
- "Biological Therapies" > toxic side effects of monoclonal antibodies (B3 73)
- monocytes
- immune system cell types > "type grouping" & function of monocytes (B1 83)
- mononuclear leukocytes
- cell types of the immune system > mononuclear leukocytes & leukocytes (B1 83)
- mononucleosis
- monosaccharide
- healing benefits of aloe glyconutrients > monosaccharide defined (B1 244-245)
- explaining the molecular structure of sugars (B3 114)
- monosodium glutamate (MSG)
- Monsanto (manufacturer of rBGH)
- Monsanto is mentioned throughout this section on rBGH | IGF (B1 307)
- Dr. William Wong - on Monsanto's manipulation of public | soy (B1 311)
- "revolving door" jobs, GMO safety, Agent Orange, dioxin, rBGH (B1 325-326)
- their connection to: Genuity SmartStax & clothianidin (bee deaths) (B1 327-328)
- their seed terminator technology | GURT | GMO cross-contamination (B1 329)
- Monsanto - and GMO soybeans grown in the US (B1 398)
- Moorehead, Agnes
- Did radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb testing cause her cancer? (B5 31)
- moringa olifeira
- summarizing 38 anti-cancer herbs > "Moringa olifeira" (B4 284)
- Morishita, Keiichi (author of: Hidden Truth of Cancer)
- Hidden Truth of Cancer - how acidity in cells promotes cancer (B1 90)
- morphine
- mortal oscillatory rate (MOR) (aka: mortal oscillatory frequency)
- Rife, mortal oscillatory frequencies, & killing pleomorphic microbes (B1 48)
- Moss, Dr. Ralph W. (PhD)
- "The Ralph Moss Story" > suppression of laetrile at Sloan-Kettering (B1 49-52)
- citing Moss': The Cancer Industry - on radiation exposure & cancer (B1 64)
- reluctance of chemotherapist to undergo chemotherapy himself (B1 68)
- explaining the 6 ways that cancer cure rates are manipulated (B5 7-11)
- - on the percentage of cancers that may be linked to asbestos (B5 31)
- laetrile & Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (B5 81)
- importance of laetrile purity | laevo / left-turning (B5 83)
- how a recent stem cell discovery supports trophoblast theory (B5 88)
- his comments on surgery and chemotherapy for breast cancer (B5 351-352)
- "Evaluating Conventional Methods" > "...Surgery, Chemo, & Radiation" (B5 400)
- the difference between "response rate" and increased survival time (B5 404)
- Ralph Moss on "Radiation-Induced Cancer" (B5 406)
- - on "Chemotherapy-Induced Cancer" (B5 409)
- FDA ignoring science to approve drugs | exaggerated new-drug claims (B5 416-418)
- Moye, Dr. Lemuel
- Dr. Moye - on what has happened to FDA trust (B2 59)
- Moyers, Bill
- discussing Bill Moyers' On Our Own Terms TV special (B2 271)
- MPGC (muramyl polysaccharide-glycan complex) (aka: Imm-Kine)
- anti-angiogenesis of MPGC w/ bindweed | RECNAC (B4 274)
- MRS 2000+ (a type of PEMF device)
- Ty Bollinger - on the effectiveness of the MRS 2000+ (B1 208)
- MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)
- mucosal / mechanical immunity
- "Immunology 101A" > an overview of the components of immunity (B3 106)
- mugwort / moxa treatment
- "Using Herbs and Supplements" > transdermal heated herbal treatment (B6 107)
- Mullins, Eustace
- ACS discredited (B1 25)
- multidrug-resistant cancer cells (MDR cells)
- Kehr - on what to do if MDR is suspected during Protocel™ treatment (B1 163)
- how the acetogenins in paw paw & graviola impact MDR cell formation (B1 164)
- how conventional treatments can promote a stronger returning cancer (B5 6)
- multiple myeloma
- deciding which Protocel® formula to start with (B5 173)
- Poly MVA's effectiveness against multiple myeloma | Dr. Forsythe (B5 283)
- effectiveness of low dose naltrexone (LDN) on various cancers (B5 295-296)
- cancers linked to radioactive fallout from nuclear bomb testing (B5 475)
- link between radiation exposure and multiple myeloma | Hanford site (B5 479)
- multiple myeloma > case stories
- cesium > "Case Story #2 - Multiple Myeloma Metastasized to Bones" (B5 265-266)
- multiple sclerosis (MS)
- linking: electromagnetic fields (EMF's) with multiple sclerosis (B1 204)
- the connection between mercury amalgam fillings and MS (B1 379)
- diseases treated with Gonzalez-Isaacs enzyme protocol (B5 94)
- why Protocel® can help with a variety of health problems (B5 120)
- how to use Protocel® for best results | suggested supplements (B5 173-174)
- Protocel®'s effect on various health conditions (B5 181)
- how low dose naltrexone (LDN) may benefit other diseases (B5 297)
- Chapter 21, "Toxic Teeth" > Dr. Hal Huggins' results include MS (B5 385)
- Murali (Hawaiian healer)
- "Increasing Positive Emotions" > sending love to cancer cells (B6 169-170)
- mushroom supplements
- studies showing increased natural killer (NK) cells (B6 117)
- mushrooms, medicinal
- 8 nutrition products for bolstering immune functions (B3 10)
- Japan & the mushroom extract PSK (B3 32)
- 11 anti-proliferative supplements that may help cancer patients (B3 43)
- a list of strategies for boosting the immune system (B3 105)
- nutritional synergism > combining mitomycin C with maitake D-fraction (B3 130)
- "Healing Power of Whole Foods" > "Superfoods" > "Mushrooms" (B3 150)
- Chapter 22, "Food Extracts" > "Maitake D-fraction" (B3 306-307)
- summarizing 9 anti-cancer, medicinal mushrooms (B4 289-293)
- mycoplasma
- "Is Cancer an Infection?" > mycoplasma - as cause of disease (B3 15)
- mycosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)
- Protocel® > "...Story #13: Stomach Cancer Metastasized to Lymph & Bones" (B5 143)
- mycotoxins (toxins produced by mold)
- mycotoxins - as contributing factors in ill health & high cancer incidence (B1 92)
- section titled: "Mycotoxins (fungal toxins)" (B1 315-316)
- mycotoxins in our food supply (B3 365)
- myelofibrosis
- a personal recovery story using selenium plus 2 other supplements (B4 359)
- myricetin (a type of flavanol)
- the 6 main categories of bioflavonoids (B3 229)
- Myss, Caroline (PhD) (author of: Why People Don't Heal and How They Can)
- details of a comprehensive recovery from metastatic pancreatic cancer (B6 89-90)