G index 114 topics updated: 4-5-2016
- G arrest
- 2 proven ways in which ellagic acid can slow/stop cancer cells (B5 310)
- summarizing 13 cancer-relevant amino acids > "GABA" (B4 365)
- Gagarin, Yuri (first astronaut)
- - and the earth's magnetic field in relation to human health (B1 206)
- Galaburri, Dr. Mario
- - and New Hope Medical Center (Scottsdale, AZ) (B1 414)
- Galileo
- how scientific pioneers are often ridiculed | sun at center of universe (B1 58)
- gallic acid
- Gallupi, Marcello
- detailing Jim Sheridan's early efforts to trial Protocel® treatment (B5 152)
- galvanotherapy (aka: percutaneous bio-electrotherapy)
- "Energy Medicine" > "Dr. Rudolph Pekar and galvanotherapy" (B4 414)
- gamma knife radiation treatment (see also: CyberKnife)
- "Gamma Knife surgery: radiation used as a surgical tool" (B4 97)
- stage 4 glioblastoma reversal > Mattew's initial conventional treatments (B6 234)
- gamma linolenic acid (GLA)
- - in an explanation of essential fatty acids | omega-6 | omega-3 (B1 116)
- hemp's medicinal / superfood status & its high concentration of GLA (B1 141)
- list of the many nutrients in spirulina > GLA | algae (B1 243)
- GLA - in an explanation of EFA's | omega-6 | omega-3 (B1 262)
- the importance of a healthy cell membrane & how GLA can help (B3 37)
- GLA - in a list of nutrients & factors for immune system support (B3 86)
- a chemotherapy benefit common to both GLA & EPA (B3 102)
- GLA - in a list of nutrients & factors for immune system support (B3 108)
- how elevated blood glucose affects the benefits of GLA | borage oil (B3 119)
- a list of "conditionally essential nutrients" includes GLA (B3 140)
- a list of "conditionally essential nutrients" includes GLA (B3 143)
- GLA - as one of over 200 biologically active ingredients in aloe vera (B3 237)
- "Lipids (Fats)" > GLA, evening primrose, & borage (B3 250-252)
- nutrients & conditions promoting healthy prostaglandins > borage oil (B3 284)
- Gammill, Vincent (cancer biochemist)
- Vincent Gammill's feedback to Bill Henderson (B2 xx)
- Garcia, Dr. Carlos
- noting his directorship at Utopia Wellness (Clearwater, FL) (B1 416)
- Garcia, Dr. Donato Perez
- Dr. Garcia's discovery of insulin potentiation therapy (IPT) (B2 107)
- garlic
- Budwig diet > garlic - as source of sulfur-rich proteins (B1 117)
- garlic - in a list of foods that fight cancer (B1 227)
- garlic - in a list of natural cold remedies (B1 247)
- antioxidant properties of curcumin (turmeric) & potency vs. garlic (B1 259)
- garlic's many health-promoting properties | cancer / tumor effects (B1 265-266)
- - as a sulphur-rich food | "sticky" glutathione sulphur compounds (B1 270)
- medicinal mushrooms > combining garlic with shiitake mushrooms (B1 283)
- selenium, MSC, methylselenol, beta-lyase, apoptosis, & angiogenesis (B1 295)
- detox amalgam mercury > garlic & sulfur stores | Alzheimer's (B1 384-385)
- anti-cancer properties in foods > S-allyl cysteine in garlic (B3 10)
- - in a list of nutrients & foods that may offer anti-angiogenesis benefits (B3 42)
- - in a list of nutrients, foods, & factors that enhance the immune system (B3 86)
- - in a list of nutrients, foods, & factors that enhance the immune system (B3 108)
- a list of anti-cancer plant compounds > garlic's allicin (B3 143)
- "...Power of Whole Foods" > "Superfoods" > garlic's properties (B3 149-150)
- "Recipes for Healing" > a list of non-fat marinates includes garlic (B3 160)
- garlic - as an ingredient in several recipes (B3 188-189)
- garlic's ancestral use as an anti-cancer seasoning (B3 227)
- enhancement of garlic's anti-cancer properties & selenium-rich soils (B3 268)
- anti-cancer properties of standardized garlic | Kyolic (B3 307-308)
- Garnett, Dr. Merrill
- Chapter 17, "Ten More Treatment Options" > Poly-MVA (B5 280-282)
- gastric cancer (see also: stomach cancer)
- supplementation used by Brendan to heal advanced stomach cancer (B6 108)
- gastrointestinal (GI) tract
- GI tract's proximity to the immune system (B3 106-107)
- GB 4000
- frequency generators > comparing GB-4000 w/ original Rife Machine (B1 137)
- G.D. Searle
- Searle mentioned often in this section on aspartame (B1 334-338)
- GEIPE (gentle electrotherapy to inhibit pivotal enzyme)
- summary of Jay Kulsh's GEIPE therapy | ribonucleotide reductase (B4 416)
- gene expression
- "...epigenetics is a new and exciting field of science that studies how human behavior can affect gene expression" (B6 229)
- gene therapy
- "unproven" alt. cancer treatments & years of gene therapy research (B2 52)
- General Accounting Office (GAO)
- - investigation into the NCI's testing of hydrazine sulfate | cachexia (B1 200)
- genes
- downplaying the significance of genetic inheritance of cancer (B4 27)
- genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
- why GMO foods should be avoided (B1 184)
- list of ingredients in CocoChia™ bars > non-GMO rice protein (B1 255)
- a list of what Living Fuel Rx™ products are devoid of includes GMO's (B1 276)
- 5-page section devoted to the topic of GMO foods (B1 325-330)
- a section devoted to soy / soybeans > disturbing GMO facts (B1 397-398)
- Codex Alimentarius > GMO labeling & non-viable seeds (B1 400)
- Will future Americans be able to buy GMO-free foods? (B1 404)
- "Radically Changing Your Diet" > "Eat Organic Foods to Detoxify" (B6 25)
- genistein (anti-cancer phytoestrogen in legumes)
- the carcinogenicity of the soy isoflavone phytoestrogen: genistein (B1 395)
- the anti-cancer properties in foods > the genistein in soy (B3 10)
- a list of nutrients & foods that may offer anti-angiogenesis benefits (B3 42)
- genistein > "Soy & Breast Cancer" > estrogen-like properties in foods (B3 317)
- "What Women Must Know About Hormones" > "Diet" > isoflavones (B5 347)
- Genuity SmartStax
- Monsanto's SmartStax - in section: "Contaminated Corn" | GMO (B1 327)
- geopathic stress
- Can anomalies in the earth's magnetic field cause illness? (B4 439)
- germ theory
- German Cancer Breakthrough [book] (author: Andrew Scholberg)
- German cancer clinics
- Appendix 1, "Recommended Cancer Clinics" (B1 411)
- "German Cancer Clinics" | Scholberg & Cousineau (B2 241)
- German New Medicine
- germanium
- garlic > germanium's antioxidant properties (B1 266)
- 10 cancer-relevant minerals & trace minerals > "Germanium" (B4 355)
- on Protocel's compatibility with various substances & treatments (B5 177-178)
- cesium > "Case Story #2 - Multiple Myeloma Metastasized to Bones" (B5 266)
- cesium > "Case Story #5 - Prostate Cancer" > liquid ionic minerals (B5 270)
- various methods for aiding the success of cesium high pH therapy (B5 275)
- a list of resources for pau d'arco / taheebo / lapacho (B5 302)
- Gerson Cancer Clinic
- Gerson research: carcinogenicity of soy isoflavone: genistein (B1 395)
- Gerson, Charlotte (Dr. Max Gerson's daughter)
- Charlotte - as the daughter of Dr. Max Gerson (B1 138)
- Charlotte's involvement in the San Diego institute & the Tijuana clinic (B1 141)
- Charlotte's research on the carcinogenicity of genistein | soy (B1 395)
- Chapter 5, "The Gerson Therapy" > Charlotte's continuing efforts (B5 68)
- Gerson, Dr. Max
- persecution & suppression > AMA's battle against Dr. Max Gerson (B1 54)
- Dr. Max Gerson - and the creation of Gerson therapy (B1 137-139)
- medicine - treating only symptoms | Gerson's methods & prevention (B3 46)
- Gerson diet / therapy
- a 4-page section devoted to Gerson therapy (B1 137-141)
- overview of the Gerson diet | melanoma-specific information (B4 230-233)
- Ghoneum, Dr. Mamdooh
- Beta-1,3d Glucan > Dr. Ghoneum - in a list of immune specialists (B2 127)
- ginger
- & digestion | shogaols & apoptosis | ginger root vs. prostate cancer (B1 267)
- ginger - and the anti-cancer properties of herbs (B3 12)
- ginger - as an ancestral, anti-cancer seasoning (B3 227)
- "The Healing Attributes of Individual Foods" (36 total) > "Ginger" (B4 253)
- ginger extract
- summarizing 8 anti-inflammatory herbs > "Ginger extract" (B4 314)
- ginkgo biloba
- ginkgo - and the anti-cancer properties of herbs (B3 12)
- antioxidants - as protection vs. conventional cancer treatment > ginkgo (B3 42)
- anti-cancer properties of ginkgo | 4 ways ginkgo may help patients (B3 231)
- ginkgo vs. aggressive cancers (B4 297)
- ginseng
- Gladstein, Dr. Eli
- - and positive results of a Cuban shark-cartilage study | 60 Minutes (B2 253)
- gland / organ insufficiency
- gland or organ insufficiency - as an underlying cause of cancer (B3 344)
- glandulars
- glandular therapy
- "Glandulars" > why to address glandular insufficiencies | thyroid (B3 243-246)
- Gleason score (a test for rating prostate cancer aggressiveness)
- glioblastoma multiforme (nervous system / brain cancer)
- list of cancers that LifeOne therapy has had clinical success with (B1 156)
- Global Billing Service
- Will health insurance pay for some alternative treatment components? (B5 306)
- glucaric acid (calcium D-glucarate)
- gluconeogenesis
- cachexia's consumption of energy & the liver's involvement (B1 199-200)
- glucose
- overcoming type 2 diabetes and its need for monitoring blood glucose (B1 xix)
- the harm caused by cancer "stealing" glucose vs. presence of tumors (B1 xx)
- normal cell biology > healthy cell's use of oxygen and glucose for energy (B1 82)
- the role of glucose in cancerous cells | fermentation | lactic acid (B1 84)
- glucose fermentation - in work of P.G. Seeger & Otto Warburg | inositol (B1 87)
- pH balance > aerobic respiration's use of oxygen and glucose (B1 89)
- the relationship between cellular acidity & glucose fermentation (B1 90)
- glucose-based antagonism between cesium chloride & Brandt / Kehr (B1 114)
- DMSO / MSM / cesium chloride > cesium vs. cancer's glucose intake (B1 122)
- 4 mechanisms by which cesium acts against cancer cells (B1 124)
- electromedicine / frequency generators vs. cancer's "glucose stealing" (B1 136)
- IPT (insulin potentiation therapy) > cancer cell's glucose fermentation (B1 150)
- LifeOne therapy, estrogen, insulin sensitivity, and glucose metabolism (B1 155)
- molecular structure of vit. B17 (laetrile) | beta-glucosidase | cyanide (B1 172)
- cachexia, fermentation, glucose, lactic acid, gluconeogenesis, the liver (B1 199)
- glucose - and hydrazine sulfate's action on a gluconeogenesis enzyme (B1 200)
- a list of 5 factors that favor tumor formation > elevated blood glucose (B1 227)
- plant foods & phytonutrients > glucose metabolism's free radicals (B1 230)
- the 3 types of food digestion > carbohydrate conversion into glucose (B1 232)
- glucose, insulin, chromium, GTF, and diabetes | trace mineral nutrition (B1 237)
- glucose - in the definition of disaccharide (B1 244)
- glucose - as a glyconutrient common in modern diets | aloe vera (B1 245)
- glucose - in an explanation of honey's "two stages" of energy (B1 249)
- IP6 / inositol > relationship between iron levels & glucose levels (B1 274)
- proteolytic enzymes > digestion of carbohydrates into glucose (B1 291)
- glucose - in how HFCS (high-fructose corn syrup) is manufactured (B1 305)
- why cancer patients should stop eating sugar | cancer & glucose (B3 9)
- "Why Use Nutrition in Cancer Treatment?" > #4 "Sugar Feeds Cancer" (B3 86)
- Chapter 11, "Sugar Feeds Cancer" > cancer - glucose connection (B3 113-129)
- commonalities among cancer diets > blood sugar & eliminate sweets (B3 146)
- 7 reasons why ginseng may help cancer patients > glucose regulation (B3 233)
- 5 ways fish oil can improve outcome in cancer treatment (B3 251)
- a list of the anti-cancer properties of CLA > blood glucose stabilization (B3 253)
- why CLA may be helpful to cancer patients > glucose & insulin benefits (B3 256)
- the mineral vanadium & control of blood glucose levels (B3 268)
- 5 ways maitake mushroom may help cancer patients (B3 306)
- garlic's many anti-cancer properties > blood glucose control (B3 307)
- "Changing the Underlying Causes of Cancer" > #4 "Blood Glucose" (B3 343)
- the wisdom of restricting sugar during cancer treatment | Dr. Warburg (B6 15-16)
- keeping blood sugar and insulin levels low via restricting refined grains (B6 21)
- the health and anti-cancer benefits of fasting > starve cancer cells (B6 26)
- "Stress & Cancer" > Kobayashi's theory: mitochondrial damage & cancer (B6 140)
- glucose / dextrose
- - in a list of caloric sweeteners | rapid absorption (B3 115)
- glucose / sugar (feeding cancer cells)
- cancer, sugar, and the anaerobic, glycolytic pathway (B3 121-122)
- glucose tolerance
- glucose tolerance factor (GTF)
- chromium, GTF, insulin, and blood sugar | cachexia (B3 265-266)
- glucotoxicity
- "Poorly Controlled Blood Glucose Poisons the Body" > glucotoxicity (B3 120)
- Glum, Dr. Gary (author of: Calling of an Angel)
- glutamine
- nutrients that can provide pharmacological changes in immunity (B3 110)
- glutathione (GSH)
- cancer's inability to produce protective, glutathione-based enzymes (B1 84)
- cancer's susceptibility to ozone & inability to make certain enzymes (B1 107)
- magnesium's role in glutathione synthesis | mercury detox / chelation (B1 236)
- a 2-page section devoted to the topic of glutathione (B1 269-271)
- glutathione - as a free radical-fighting enzyme (B1 289)
- resveratrol with glutathione | "master antioxidant" | University of Basel (B1 293)
- selenium - as an essential component in glutathione peroxidase (B1 294)
- anti-cancer properties in foods > glutathione & leafy green vegetables (B3 10)
- glutathione - as protection for cancer patients undergoing treatment (B3 42)
- making treatment more effective > glutathione, cisplatin, gastric cancer (B3 99)
- misconception that antioxidants work against chemo & radiation (B3 100)
- glutathione peroxidase & endogenously-synthesized antioxidants (B3 132)
- silymarin (milk thistle) & increased production of glutathione (B3 230)
- selenium, glutathione peroxidase, & detoxification (B3 266)
- L-glutathione / glutathione - its importance as natural antioxidant (B3 323-324)
- glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px)
- gluten
- "A Cancer-Fighting Diet" > "The Four No-Nos" > "Gluten" (B2 164)
- glycation / glycosylation
- lipoic acid - in the prevention of glycation / glycosylation (B3 322)
- glycemic index (GI)
- list of conditions that reduce immune function > high glycemic foods (B3 86)
- list of conditions that reduce immune function > high glycemic foods (B3 108)
- Are "healthier" sugars really healthy? (glycemic index comparison) (B3 115)
- glucose-specific therapies | glycemic index - in food selection (B3 120-121)
- "Sugar Feeds Cancer" > "Glycemic Control of Cancer...Diet" (B3 125-127)
- GI chart (B3 129)
- glycine
- a list of 6 ways that glycine may help cancer patients (B3 329)
- glycogen
- enzyme / metabolic therapy > glycogen & morning sickness (B1 126)
- glycolysis
- Otto Warburg - on malignant tumors & increased anaerobic glycolysis (B3 121)
- PET scans in treatment progress | FDG & high glycolysis areas (B3 124)
- explaining how Protocel® "downshifts" cancer's voltage/energy level (B5 124)
- how cancer's reliance on glycolysis leaves it vulnerable to Protocel® (B5 171)
- cesium > why dietary alkalizing alone may not be enough (B5 259)
- 4 ways that controlled amino acid therapy (CAAT) impacts cancer cells (B5 286)
- how cancer's glycolysis creates localized acidity around tumors (B5 329)
- glyconutrients
- entire section devoted to aloe vera and its glyconutrients (B1 244-246)
- a glyconutrient powder recipe | medicinal mushrooms, aloe vera (B4 373)
- glycoproteins
- glycoprotein synthesis
- illustrated glycomics > "essential saccharides for glycoprotein synth." (B3 126)
- glycosides
- nitrilosides, glycosides, Dr. Krebs, vitamin B17, laetrile, & cancer (B1 171)
- glyoxilide
- - as a suppressed therapy in D. Haley's book, Politics in Healing (B2 63)
- GN-24 (see also: 714X)
- Chapter 15, "714X" | Gaston Naessens (B5 243)
- GNM (see: German New Medicine)
- goal setting
- "Having Strong Reasons for Living" > dreams & goals enhance healing (B6 261)
- God
- Goddard, James L. (former FDA Commissioner)
- James L. Goddard - on corruption in drug studies (B2 66)
- goji
- "The Healing Attributes of Individual Foods" (36 total) (B4 258)
- Gold, Dr. Joseph
- Dr. Joseph Gold, hydrazine sulfate, and cachexia (B1 200-201)
- "Other Treatments..." > "Fighting Cachexia With Hydrazine Sulfate" (B2 282)
- Goldberg, Burton
- Goldberg, Dr. Michael
- Dr. Goldberg, vaccinations, & autism | genetics vs. epidemics (B1 360)
- goldenseal
- Golgi bodies
- cell biology/respiration > ATP production, Golgi bodies, & mitochondria (B1 82)
- Golumb, Dr. Beatrice
- - on why journals print articles favorable to drug companies (B1 30)
- Gonzalez, Dr. Nicholas
- Gorgun's GEMM therapy
- summarizing Dr. Seckiner Gorgun's GEMM therapy (B4 424)
- Govallo, Dr. Valentin
- "Cancer Pioneers and Outcasts" > "Dr. Govallo and VG-1000" (B4 175)
- grains
- list of anti-cancer factors in whole grains (B3 148)
- "Radically Changing Your Diet" > refined grains, blood sugar, & insulin (B6 20-22)
- granulocyte(s)
- granulocytes - as a subgroup of leukocytes (B1 83)
- grape diet
- 15 anti-cancer diets > "The grape diet" | Shackleton, Brandt (B4 227-229)
- grape juice
- Chapter 7, "Other Treatments..." > "Grape Juice" | Fred Wortman (B2 258-260)
- grapeseed extract
- grapeseed extract, cancer, & colon cancer (B4 374)
- grass-fed beef
- essential oils & fats > the benefits of grass-fed beef | CLA (B1 263)
- gratitude
- graviola
- Budwig diet > list of things to exclude > graviola (B1 117)
- synergy of combining: paw paw, graviola, & Protocel™ (B1 164)
- "Other Effective Cancer Therapies" > "Graviola" | Purdue (B2 205-208)
- paw paw > graviola testing by Dr. Jerry McLaughlin | Purdue (B2 209)
- why graviola may lose its effectiveness with more advanced cancers (B4 280)
- 32 supplements compatible with Protocel® therapy (B5 178)
- Budwig, flaxseed oil & cottage cheese > "Story #5 - Brain Cancer" (B5 225)
- Chapter 17, "Ten More Treatment Options" > "N-Tense" (B5 279)
- describing the components of the N-Tense herbal formulation (B5 302-303)
- list of ingredients in Ellagic Insurance Formula (B5 312)
- green drinks
- green sap
- "Herbal Formulas & Combination Therapies" (15 total) > "Green sap" (B4 297)
- Green Supreme, Inc.
- green tea
- green tea - in a list of nutrients to start with (B3 13)
- - in a list of antioxidants offering protection during cancer treatment (B3 42)
- cancer-fighters in green tea > mechanisms for prevention & reversal (B3 149)
- a section dedicated to the anti-cancer properties of green tea (B3 235-236)
- summarizing 38 anti-cancer herbs > "Green tea" | EGCG (B4 281)
- "The Science Behind Herbs & Supplements" > EGCG cancer-killing effect (B6 117)
- green tea extract
- green tea extract - in a list of nutrients in Daily Advantage supplements (B2 94)
- "Dr. Matthias Rath - Vitamin C & Lysine / Proline" > green tea extract (B2 152)
- Heart Plus vs. Epican Forte & green tea extract availability (B2 153-154)
- green tea extract - in a 7-item list of steps for overcoming cancer (B2 174)
- green tea extract - in a list of steps for remaining cancer-free (B2 176)
- shipping green tea extract from Our Health Co-op (B2 177)
- green tea polyphenols
- anti-cancer properties of green tea > various polyphenols (B3 235-236)
- Greenberg, Dr. Bernard
- - vs. CDC misrepresentation of polio vaccine effectiveness (B1 357)
- Gregg, Dr. David
- acknowledging Dr. David Gregg for his insights on causes of cancer (B1 xii)
- - on the association between anaerobic respiration and cancer (B1 84)
- Dr. Gregg - on anaerobic metabolism, hypoxia, & angiogenesis (B1 86)
- - on the interaction of DMSO & MSM | oxygen transport system (B1 120)
- Dr. Gregg explains 4 of cesium's "cancer-killing mechanisms" (B1 124)
- - comparing garlic's diallyl disulfide with DMSO (dimethyl sulfide) (B1 266)
- Griffin, G. Edward (author of: World Without Cancer)
- The Politics of Cancer quote > why nutrition research isn't often done (B1 3)
- World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17 & politics of cancer (B1 28)
- "The Cancer Industry" > a quote from his book, World Without Cancer... (B2 65)
- World Without Cancer - as a recommended source of laetrile info. (B2 245)
- Griffin's story of a chemo Dr. who sought non-toxic therapy advice (B2 247)
- a pro-laetrile quote from Dr. E. Contreras - in Griffin's book (B2 249)
- World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17 - in appendix A (B2 316)
- - on the varied sources of B17 / laetrile in the Hunza diet (B5 73)
- - on the safety and efficacy of laetrile / vitamin B17 (B5 75)
- laetrile safety | laetrile suppression at Mayo Clinic & Sloan-Kettering (B5 79-80)
- G.E. Griffin - on FDA corruption and a USA Today study (B5 82)
- - on cancer as an out-of-control healing process (B5 89)
- malignant vs. benign > the nature of very early cancer stages (B5 90)
- Griffith, Dr. Russell K.
- "4 More Easy Self-Treatments" > "Artemisinin" > Dr. Griffith's source (B2 220)
- griseofulvin (antifungal drug)
- "Is Cancer an Infection?" > griseofulvin vs. colon cancer cells (B3 354)
- Grismaijer, Soma
- Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras (B1 192)
- Gross, Dr. Adrian (toxicologist)
- guided imagery
- Gulf War Syndrome
- Is there a connection between aspartame and Gulf War Syndrome? (B5 25)
- gut bacteria
- "Probiotics--Friendly Bacteria" > in support of gut bacteria balance (B3 13-15)
- section titled: "Bacteria in the Gut" (B3 41)
- iodine - as a selective toxin in support of gut bacteria balance (B3 265)
- probiotics & their critical role in maintaining balanced gut bacteria (B3 313-315)
- explaining how antibiotics can destroy gut bacteria balance (B3 358)
- - in a study titled: "Gut Fermentation / Auto Brewery Syndrome" (B3 361)
- dysbiosis (imbalance of gut bacteria) - as an underlying cause (B3 368)
- gut fermentation
- a study titled: "Gut Fermentation / Auto Brewery Syndrome" (B3 361)
- gut instincts
- "Following Your Intuition" > "The Research on Intuition" (B6 83-84)
- gymnema sylvestre