H index 126 topics updated: 4-25-2016
- H. pylori bacteria
- Haelan 851 (soy product)
- why haelan 851 may be helpful with breast cancer (B3 318)
- Haelan 951 (see also: Soy Essence)
- "Other Anti-Cancer Formulations" (36 total) > "Haelan 951" (B4 391)
- haematogenic oxidation therapy (HOT) (see also: UVBI & recirculatory haemo perfusion)
- summarizing HOT | ozone, Issels, Germany, Ed McCabe (B4 330)
- haematoxylon (a plant-derived dye)
- - in DMSO's affinity for cancer cells & ability to penetrate skin (B1 120)
- Haensler, Viebahn
- therapeutic properties in Haensler's: The Use of Ozone in Medicine (B1 107)
- hair analysis
- "Alternative Testing Procedures" (20 total) > "Hair analysis" (B4 75)
- Haley, Dr. Boyd
- Haley, Daniel (author of: Politics in Healing)
- Hamer, Dr. Ryke Geerd (originator of German New Medicine)
- emotional trauma & stress - as a cause of cancer (B2 178-179)
- "Ten More Treatment Options" > "German New Medicine" (B5 289-292)
- summarizing Hirschmann's HANSI treatment | pancreatic cancer info. (B4 297)
- happiness, suppressed
- "Releasing Suppressed Emotions" > "What Are Suppressed Emotions?" (B6 137)
- happiness habit
- restructuring daily activities to promote increased happiness (B6 172-174)
- long-term stage 4 breast cancer recovery > daily laughter commitment (B6 178)
- emphasizing the importance of daily laughter and happiness (B6 189)
- overcoming internal resistance to purposeful happiness efforts (B6 190)
- "Increasing Positive Emotions" > 6 simple suggestions from survivors (B6 192)
- Hartley, Katie
- how 714X treatment impacted her undifferentiated sarcoma tumor (B5 252)
- Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention
- "Why So Much Cancer and What Causes It?" > smoking (B5 33)
- Harvard University
- cancer risks associated w/ drinking chlorinated water | organochlorines (B5 29)
- Haught, S.J. (author of: Censured for Curing Cancer)
- Hay, Louise
- "Dealing with Fear & the Mind/Body..." > "Louise Hay & Affirmations" (B5 445)
- HCG (see: human chorionic gonadotropin)
- HCG urine test (see also: human chorionic gonadotropin)
- head cancer
- head & neck cancer story > skipping chemo/radiation for emotional focus (B6 172)
- healing, the nature of
- transformation & inspiration | the difference between curing and healing (B6 283)
- healing mode
- Health Quarters Ministries
- in Appendix 1, "Recommended Cancer Clinics" (B1 412)
- heart disease
- Heart Plus (a vitamin C-based supplement)
- heat therapy (see also: hyperthermia)
- "...Selectively Reduce Tumor Burden" > "hyperthermia" (B3 16)
- scenarios for usefulness of: chemo, radiation, surgery, & hyperthermia (B3 62)
- summary of heat therapy / hyperthermia (B3 74)
- "Making Chemo & Radiation More Effective" > fish oil w/ hyperthermia (B3 102)
- glucose & hyperthermia - in Systematic Cancer Multistep Therapy (B3 121)
- summary of SCMT and increased survival statistics (B3 123)
- heavy metal chelation (see: chelation)
- Hegedus, Dr. Tibor J. (author of: Indicted: Cancer Research)
- Dr. Hegedus' book > tamoxifen & risk of endometrial cancer (B1 186)
- Heidelberg Tumor Center
- effectiveness vs. damage caused by chemotherapy - Ulrich Abel, PhD (B5 404)
- helicobacter pylori
- hemagglutinin
- the role of soy's hemagglutinin in blood cell clumping (B1 310)
- hematogenous spreading (when spreads via blood)
- describing different ways cancer can spread from originating tumor site (B3 66)
- hematopoiesis (red blood cell formation)
- Chapter 19, "Minerals" > "Iron" > iron's role in health (B3 263)
- hemoglobin
- biology & cancer > role of hemoglobin in ATP production | Krebs cycle (B1 82)
- explaining why cancer cells can't extract oxygen from hemoglobin (B1 84)
- hemoglobin impairment & anaerobic resp. - in a cancer initiation theory (B1 94)
- hemoglobin abnormalities in cancer blood | Budwig (B1 115)
- "Intravenous Vitamin C" > Dr. Gregg: vit C, O2 transport, & hemoglobin (B1 147)
- "Nutrition is Essential" > wheatgrass juice > hemoglobin benefits (B1 229)
- structure of wheatgrass juice's chlorophyll vs. blood's hemoglobin (B1 230)
- "IP6 / Inositol" > linking: iron, red blood cells, & hemoglobin (B1 274)
- hemp
- Henderson, Bill
- author Ty Bollinger acknowledges Bill Henderson's contributions (B1 xii)
- "Non-Toxic Treatments" > "Budwig Diet" > success of Bill's protocol (B1 117)
- Chapter 19, "Root Canals" > Bill Henderson's advice on root canals (B1 390)
- "...Cancer Clinics" > "Utopia Wellness" > Dr. Garcia & Bill Henderson (B1 416)
- hepatic cancer / hepatocellular carcinoma (see also: liver cancer)
- list of cancers that LifeOne therapy has had clinical success with (B1 156)
- "Embracing Social Support" > "Kathryn's Story" 3B cancer recovery (B6 203-214)
- hepatitis B virus
- 11 facts linking infections to cancer > liver cancer & hepatitis B (B3 353)
- herb Robert / geranium robertianum
- summarizing herb Robert (B4 281)
- herbal cone treatment
- "Using Herbs & Supplements" > "Strengthening [immunity]" | mugwort (B6 107)
- herbal medicine
- herbicides
- herbs
- Herbs Against Cancer [book] (author: Ralph W. Moss)
- antioxidants for cancer prevention & books by Ralph W. Moss (B2 90)
- herbs and supplements > action steps
- to help with: food digestion, detoxification, & immunity enhancement (B6 129-131)
- herbs and supplements > belief system behind
- conventional "kill the invader" vs. alternative "boost the immunity" (B6 105-107)
- herbs and supplements > detoxifying
- Dr Nishihara's theory: low core temps, bacteria, mitochondria, cancer (B6 109-112)
- herbs and supplements > fine tuning use
- herbs and supplements > immune system strengthening
- 2 main reasons why Radical Remission survivors take supplements (B6 105-109)
- herbs and supplements > lifestyle changes and
- "Radically Changing...Diet" > "Drink Filtered Water" > replacing minerals (B6 29)
- comprehensive lifestyle changes - not just diet or supplements (B6 112-115)
- stage 4 splenic marginal zone lymphoma > combine supplements & lifestyle (B6 128)
- discussing dietary strategies to replace our need for supplementation (B6 131-132)
- herbs and supplements > moving beyond
- the process of transitioning from supplements to whole-food nutrition (B6 131-132)
- herbs and supplements > science behind
- impact of industrial farming, barriers to research, proven anti-cancer (B6 115-117)
- herbs and supplements > survivor story
- detailing Jenny's stage 4 splenic marginal zone lymphoma recovery (B6 118-129)
- herceptin
- "Smart drugs" > shining a light on the marginal usefulness of herceptin (B4 125)
- heredity
- epigenetics > inherited risk vs. our behavior impacting gene expression (B6 229)
- hesperidin (bioflavonoid / flavanone from citrus fruits)
- the anti-cancer properties of bioflavonoids (B3 229)
- Heyd, Dr. Charles G.
- Dr. Heyd - his quote against water fluoridation (B1 314)
- Hidden Truth of Cancer [book] (author: Dr. Keiichi Morishita)
- - for an explanation of how cells become acidic & cancerous (B1 90)
- high blood pressure
- high-glycemic foods
- "Radically Changing Your Diet" > refined grains affect blood sugar/insulin (B6 20)
- Hippocrates
- Hiroshima, Japan
- Hodgkin's disease / Hodgkin's lymphoma (see also: lymphoma, Hodgkin's)
- Billy Best's Hodgkin's story (B5 250)
- 15 cancers observed to respond to LDN | Dr. Bihari (B5 295-296)
- Is there a connection between mercury amalgam fillings & Hodgkin's? (B5 386)
- R. Moss - on ineffectiveness & toxic consequences of chemotherapy (B5 401)
- a closer look at claimed "success" of Hodgkin's chemo treatment (B5 410)
- Hoeppner, Pamela (author of: The Breast Stays Put...)
- Hoffer, Dr. Abram (aka: "The King of Niacin")
- intravenous vit. C > - as founder of the alternative health movement (B1 149)
- "Feel Better Fast!" > saturating with these 4 nutrients (B2 225)
- Dr. Hoffer - on niacin flushing (B2 226)
- w/ Pauling, tracking those who combined conv. & nutritional therapies (B3 134)
- Does vit. C really interfere w/ chemo & radiation? - Hoffer explains (B4 129)
- Holistic Medical Clinic of the Carolinas
- - in "Recommended Cancer Clinics" (B1 413)
- Holt, Dr. David
- German New Medicine > Dr. Holt & Reno Integrative Medical Center (B5 292)
- homeopathic remedies
- homeopathy
- the Flexner Report vs. homeopathy (B1 7)
- Dr. Lanctot's: The Medical Mafia - on why homeopathy is suppressed (B1 27)
- - at Arizona Integrative Medical Center (Scottsdale) (B1 410)
- - at Nevada Center of Alternative & Anti-Aging Medicine (B1 414)
- homeopathy at Reno Integrative Medical Center (B1 415)
- - an in-depth overview | Samuel Hahnemann | quinine (B4 323-329)
- homeostasis
- "Why Some People Get Cancer and Not Others" > pH homeostasis (B1 96)
- Beauchamp's "cellular / pleomorphic theory" & loss of homeostasis (B1 97)
- "Nutrition is Essential" > macrominerals & homeostasis (B1 235)
- pH, cells, homeostasis > examples of body's homeostatic processes (B5 316)
- Honokiol (a product of the magnolia tree)
- linking: anti-angiogenesis, blood-brain barrier, and brain cancers (B4 374)
- hormonally-driven cancer
- EPA benefits for cancer patients > fish oil versus cancer (B3 250)
- hormone activity
- "Steroid Hormone Activity" > body fat & tumor-enhancing hormones (B3 40)
- hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
- hormone supplements
- "Supplements to Boost...Immune Sys." > blood tests: B12, D, melatonin (B6 131)
- hormone therapy
- John rejects hormone therapy - achieves comprehensive prostate cancer recovery (B6 36)
- hormones
- "Steroid Hormone Activity" > body fat & tumor-enhancing hormones (B3 40)
- the insulin - cancer relationship | anabolic hormone (B3 122)
- discussing the various anti-cancer components in whole food (B3 144)
- ginseng, estrogen-like compounds, hormone-dependent tumors (B3 234-235)
- hormone-balancing properties of the herb rhodiola (B3 240)
- EPA benefits for cancer patients > fish oil versus cancer (B3 250)
- the role of vitamin B6 in regulation of hormones (B3 297)
- hormone balance - as a correctable underlying cause of cancer (B3 368)
- hormones > emotions and
- "Releasing Suppressed Emotions" > "Stress and Cancer" | cortisol (B6 139)
- "What Happens to Our Bodies When We Feel Positive Emotions?" (B6 168-169)
- "the feeling of being loved releases a flood of potent hormones into our blood streams" (B6 193-194)
- love and social support > dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, & endorphins (B6 197)
- "Embracing Social Support" > human touch releasing healing hormones (B6 202)
- "The Mind Leads the Body" > science: thoughts/emotions release potent hormones (B6 258)
- hormones > in food
- "Radically Changing Your Diet" > 2 reasons to eliminate dairy | rBGH (B6 17-18)
- horse
- horsetail tea
- "Botanic Healing Systems" > "Horsetail tea (Equisetum arvense)" (B4 312)
- Horwin, Alexander
- FDA prevents non-toxic treatment for his medulloblastoma brain cancer (B1 11)
- hot mineral springs
- adv. kidney cancer recovery > Shin's experience at Japanese healing ctr. (B6 68)
- Howell, Dr. Edward
- Dr. Kelley's pancreatic cancer recovery & Howell's raw food writings (B1 127)
- Howenstine, Dr. James A.
- "Life One" > Dr. Howenstine - on immunodeficiency & cancer (B1 154)
- - lists 7 cancers shown to respond to invitro Life One formula (B1 155)
- his: A Physician's Guide to Natural Health Products That Work (B1 158)
- Howenstine - on medical industry necessity to support jobs (B1 189)
- thanking Dr. Howenstine for information on coenzyme Q10 (B1 257)
- Dr. Howenstine - on bromine vs. iodine (B1 273)
- - explains how selenium prevents cancer initiation (B1 294)
- - on harmful effects of soft drinks | HFCS | phosphorus | osteoporosis (B1 306)
- "Root Canals" > Dr. Howenstine - on chronic diseases & root canal (B1 387)
- Hoxsey Cancer Clinic
- detailing the history of the Hoxsey Cancer Clinic (B1 45)
- the successful, but persecuted, Hoxsey clinics | Fishbein, Fitzgerald (B1 46)
- detailing the history of Hoxsey therapy and clinics (B5 44-45)
- Hoxsey formula
- Hoxsey formula - as being worthy of consideration (B3 240)
- "Herbal Formulas and Combination Therapies" > "Hoxsey formula" (B4 298)
- Hoxsey, Harry
- "Persecution & Suppression" > "... Hoxsey" > successes & battles (B1 45-47)
- Morris Fishbein's attack on Rife is compared with his attack on Hoxsey (B1 49)
- - and other suppressed therapies in Haley's book: Politics in Healing (B2 63)
- detailing the history, success, and ultimate shut down of Hoxsey (B5 44-52)
- Hoxsey, John
- explaining the origin and evolution of Hoxsey therapy (B5 44)
- Hoxsey therapy
- Chapter 3, "The Hoxsey Therapy" (B5 43-53)
- the importance of herb potency and proper preparation (B5 60)
- 26 supplements or therapies to avoid with Protocel® use (B5 176)
- Morris Fishbein's efforts against both Royal Rife & Harry Hoxsey (B5 236-237)
- results when 10 reputable doctors inspected Hoxsey's clinic (B5 414)
- obtaining highest quality herbs | combining parts of different protocols (B5 423)
- 10 alternative treatments that are easiest to administer (B5 425)
- "Misconceptions About Alternatives" | 10 doctors evaluate Hoxsey (B5 450-451)
- Hoyland, Philip
- Ch. 14, "The Rife Machine" > discussing Royal Rife's partnerships (B5 236)
- HRT (see: hormone replacement therapy)
- hugging
- Huggins, Dr. Hal
- a quote from Dr. Huggins is highly critical of root canal procedures (B1 388)
- human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
- enzyme/metabolic therapy > cancer's hCG coating impact on immunity (B1 125)
- enz./metabolic therapy > cancer tests based on urine hCG | Navarro (B1 126)
- a strategy for altering the tumor's protective mechanisms (B3 42)
- "How Cancer is Diagnosed" > HCG & 8 other tumor-marker blood tests (B3 68)
- "Nutrition Therapy...Immune Functions" > enzymes & vitamins vs. HCG (B3 108)
- detailing the history and theory of Dr. Kelley's enzyme therapy (B5 86)
- human growth hormone (HGH)
- "Other Supplements" (32 total) > "Human growth hormone (HGH)" (B4 374)
- human leukocyte antigen (HLA)
- HLA - in an immune overview (B3 106)
- human papilloma virus (HPV)
- 11 facts linking infections and cancer > HPV & cervical cancer (B3 353)
- Humble, Jim (originator of Miracle Mineral Solution)
- Jim Humble is mentioned throughout this section devoted to MMS (B1 279-281)
- humor
- Ch. 6, "Increasing Positive Emotions" > "What Are Positive Emotions?" (B6 167)
- Janet's technique for shifting negative emotions (B6 175)
- the vital role of laughter in Saranne's stage 4 breast cancer recovery (B6 177-178)
- creating an emotinal, spiritual, medical, & societal healing environment (B6 188)
- humoral immunity
- in an overview of immunity / immunology (B3 106)
- Hunninghake, Dr. Ron
- Dr. Ron Hunninghake & the Riordan Clinic in Wichita, Kansas (B1 416)
- Hunza / Hunzakuts
- vitamin B17 > the cancer-free Hunzakuts, B17, and apricot seeds (B1 171)
- Hunza consumption of B17 & apricot seeds - and their lack of cancer (B1 172)
- "Dietary Approaches to Healing Cancer" > the Hunza people (B4 219)
- hyaluronidase (an enzyme thought to help cancer spread)
- how vitamin C (w/ 3 other substances) blocks cancer's hyaluronidase (B1 147)
- Hyaluronidase and Cancer [book] (author: Dr. Ewan Cameron)
- noting that the book details how cancer attacks collagen (B1 147)
- hydrazine sulfate
- - its inclusion in Daniel Haley's book on suppressed cancer cures (B1 56)
- history, efficacy, & usage parameters for cachexia treatment (B1 200-202)
- hydrazine sulfate treatment at Utopia Wellness | Dr. Carlos Garcia (B1 416)
- "Chapter 7" > "Other Treatments..." > hydrazine sulfate (B2 282-285)
- "Avoiding Malnutrition" > hydrazine sulfate vs. cachexia (B3 85)
- glucose-specific strategies > hydrazine sulfate vs. gluconeogenesis (B3 121)
- "Action Plan: Starve Cancer Cells" > "Hydrazine Sulfate" (B3 123)
- overview of therapy & cautions about interactions w/ foods & drugs (B4 392)
- 32 supplements compatible with Protocel® therapy (B5 178)
- hydrochloric acid (HCL)
- how HCL in the stomach relates to nutrient deficiencies (B3 92)
- "Dr. Kelley's Enzyme Therapy" > overview of Gonzalez-Isaacs program (B5 94)
- hydrogen
- hydrogen's role in ATP production (B1 82)
- pH - as the ratio of hydrogen ions to hydroxyl ions | body buffer (B1 88-89)
- Budwig diet > harmfulness of hydrogenated oils in processed foods (B1 115)
- Dr. Budwig vs. the food industry's reliance on hydrogenated oils (B1 116)
- hydrogen bonds holding enzymes together (B1 233)
- "Nutrition is Essential" > "Missing Minerals" > hydrogen in the body (B1 234)
- manipulation of hydrogen atoms in manufacture of trans-fats (B1 302)
- hydrogen ions
- pH - as the ratio between hydrogen ions(H+) and hydroxyl ions(OH-) (B1 88)
- hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
- bio-oxidative therapies > hydrogen peroxide - as a main type (B1 105)
- "Non-toxic Treatments" > "Bio-oxidative Therapies" > detailing H2O2 (B1 108)
- "Intravenous Vitamin C" > vit. C's assistance to hydrogen peroxide (B1 148)
- hydrogen peroxide - in a list of therapies (B1 176)
- "Hydrogen Peroxide" > how to supplement with H2O2 (B1 272-273)
- H2O2 at Nevada Center of Alternative & Anti-aging Medicine (B1 414)
- exercise, tissue oxygenation, hydrogen peroxide, and ozone (B3 50)
- "Making Chemo & Radiation More Effective" > H2O2 (B3 99-100)
- "Biological Therapies" (10 total) > "Hydrogen peroxide" (B4 331-332)
- Can hydrogen peroxide replace chlorine in paper manufacturing? (B5 464)
- hydrogenation / hydrogenated fats (aka: trans fats / trans fatty acids)
- Budwig diet > harmfulness of hydrogenated oils in processed foods (B1 115)
- Dr. Budwig vs. the food industry's reliance on hydrogenated oils (B1 116)
- demonization of saturated fats vs. real problem of hydrogenated fats (B1 264)
- "Fake Fats" > why hydrogenated fats are so unhealthy (B1 302-304)
- aluminum concentrations in hydrogenated soy products (B1 310)
- aluminum concentrations in hydrogenated soy products (B1 396)
- "Cell Membrane Dynamics" > hydrogenated fats affecting membranes (B3 37)
- hydrotherapy
- summarizing 22 detoxification methods > "Hydrotherapy" (B4 206)
- hydroxyl ions
- pH - as the ratio between hydrogen ions(H+) and hydroxyl ions(OH-) (B1 88)
- hypercalcemia (elevated calcium in the blood)
- how tumors can create hypercalcemia conditions (B3 260)
- hyperglycemia
- linking hyperglycemia with vitamin C deficiency (B3 120)
- hypericum perforatum / St. John's Wort
- summarizing 38 anti-cancer herbs (B4 281)
- hyperplasia (growth of new cells)
- "...Underlying Causes of Cancer" > chronic injury & hyperplasia (B3 350)
- hyperthermia (see also: heat therapy)
- "Non-toxic Treatments" > "Hyperthermia" (B1 144-146)
- "Other Treatments" (11 total) > "Hyperthermia" (B4 120)
- hypnosis
- summarizing 13 mind-body therapies > "Hypnosis" (B4 457-459)
- 6 suggestions for "Releasing Suppressed Emotions" (B6 162)
- hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid)
- "Changing The Underlying Causes of Cancer" > "Maldigestion" (B3 346)
- hypochlorous acid
- Miracle Mineral Solution, chlorine dioxide, and hypochlorous acid (B1 280)
- hypothalamus
- "Excitotoxins" > how MSG may damage the hypothalamus (B1 307)
- hypoxia (low tissue oxygenation)
- Can hypoxia induce growth of new, tumor-feeding blood vessels? (B1 86)
- avoiding acidity & hypoxia - as useful anti-cancer strategies (B1 90)
- "The Hypoxia Theory" > cellular toxicity & oxygen deprivation (B1 93)
- the author's theory on what causes cancer includes: cellular hypoxia (B1 94)
- research citations linking hypoxia with cancer initiation / growth (B1 95)
- "Why Some Get Cancer and Not Others" > hypoxia - as causative factor (B1 96)
- hypoxia - as an underlying condition ignored by conventional medicine (B1 98)
- hypoxia's cancer promotion | Dr. Otto Warburg's findings discussed (B1 104)
- a hypoxia-reversing, "oxygen transport theory" to explain DMCC (B1 124)
- Is baking soda effective against cancer due to its hypoxia reversal? (B1 165)
- intense exercise as potential hypoxia cause | Dr. Cooper (B1 428)
- "What Causes Cancer?" > 16 pathogenic conditions > hypoxia (B3 48)
- "Making Chemo & Radiation More Effective" > niacin vs. hypoxia (B3 103)
- "Tumor Hypoxia and Treatment Resistance" > a protocol using niacin (B3 125)
- "Vitamins" > vitamin B3 > 4 ways niacin may benefit cancer patients (B3 296)
- "Changing The Underlying Causes of Cancer" > "Hypoxia" (B3 349)
- hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) (a type of transcription factor)
- linking: HIF-1, cancer self-stimulation, IGF, & hypoxia adaption (B1 95)
- hytrin
- - and the questionable ethics & profit motive of drug companies (B2 67-69)