E index 126 topics updated: 8-15-2020
- EAV (electro-acupuncture according to Voll)
- "Alternative Testing Procedures" (20 total) > EAV | Dr. Reinhold Voll (B4 74)
- echinacea / echinacea purpurea
- echinacea as cold remedy (B1 247)
- history, nutrient profile, & benefits of echinacea | interferon (B1 260-261)
- benefits of echinacea combined with goldenseal (B1 272)
- medicinal mushrooms vs. echinacea & astragalus - immune support (B1 282)
- immune-stimulating properties of pau d'arco & echinacea (B1 287)
- Eden, Donna
- Edison, Thomas
- Edison on future doctors' use of nutrition (B1 242)
- disease prevention > "the doctor of the future will give no medicine..." (B7 330)
- EDTA (ethylene diamenetretracetic acid) (chelating agent)
- encouraging results with EDTA protocol | cesium chloride (B1 122)
- EDTA chelation therapy in mercury detox | Alzheimer's | amalgam (B1 384)
- "Heavy Metals & Chelation, by Carlos M. Garcia, M.D." (B2 300-309)
- EGCG (see also: epigallocatechin gallate)
- as a companion to vitamin C therapy | Dr. Rath | hyaluronidase (B1 147)
- Eggleston, David
- eggplant
- skin cancer, eggplant, solasodine glycoside, BEC5, Devil's Apple (B1 196)
- eggs
- Ehrlic carcinoma
- detailing Dr. Merrill Garnett's laboratory study of Poly-MVA (B5 281)
- Eichhorn, Fred (pancreatic cancer survivor. President of: National Cancer Research Foundation)
- eicosanoids (aka: prostaglandins)
- eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
- cell membrane dynamics > list of EFA's for building membranes > EPA (B3 37)
- in a list of cancer anti-proliferation factors and an immune support list (B3 86)
- "Making Chemo & Radiation More Effective" > how EPA's help (B3 102)
- a list of nutrients & conditions for enhancing the immune system (B3 108)
- sugar & cancer > blood glucose, immune suppression, prostaglandins (B3 119)
- a list of "conditionally essential nutrients" includes EPA (B3 140)
- a list of "conditionally essential nutrients" includes EPA (B3 143)
- Einstein, Albert
- on how trusted institutions control the emotions of the public (B1 20)
- electro-carcinoma therapy (passing DC current through tumors)
- summary of using electro-carcinoma therapy to shrink tumors (B4 416)
- electrolysis
- electrolytes
- electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
- 5 pages devoted to the topic of EMFs | "dirty electricity" (B1 203-208)
- 20 contributing factors to cancer initiation > EMFs (B4 26)
- electromagnetic stress
- how our modern electrical & wireless systems affect our health (B4 439)
- electromedicine
- electron(s)
- the role of electrons in ATP production | cell biology | Krebs cycle (B1 82)
- pH > relationship between hydrogen, protons, electrons | acid / alkaline (B1 88)
- bio-oxidative therapies > electrons in biochemical reaction balance (B1 105)
- "electron cloud" - and the harmful effects of hydrogenated fats & oils (B1 115)
- Budwig > oxygen utilization & lipoproteins | sulphur-rich | linoleic acid (B1 116)
- electron-rich fats, sulphur-rich proteins, aerobic metabolism, & health (B1 117)
- in the context of MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) | chlorine dioxide (B1 280)
- Budwig theory, "electron cloud", & fats becoming water-soluble (B1 303-304)
- electrons in Karl Loren's explanation of MSM chelation | Alzheimer's (B1 385)
- Eli Jones syrup (aka: Compound Syrup Scrophularia)
- "Herbal Formulas & Combination Therapies" > "Eli Jones syrup" (B4 296)
- Eli Lilly
- their protection from legal actions related to thimerosal in vaccinations (B1 361)
- Elias, Thomas D. (author of: The Burzynski Breakthrough)
- ellagic acid
- Brandt / Kehr Grape Cure > a list of nutrients in purple grapes (B1 113)
- frequency generators > how electroporation may benefit cachexia (B1 136)
- in a section on the health benefits of plant foods & phytonutrients (B1 231)
- a section on ellagic | fruits & nuts | tannins | p53 gene | mitosis (B1 261-262)
- "The Healing Power of Whole Foods" > anti-cancer food components (B3 10)
- ellagic acid as one of 6 main categories of bioflavonoids | berries (B3 228)
- "Other Supplements" (32 total) > "Ellagic acid" | ellagitannins (B4 371)
- Protocel story 13: "Stomach Cancer Metastasized to Lymph & Bones" (B5 143)
- 32 supplements that are ok to take with Protocel® (B5 178)
- Chapter 17, "Ten More Treatment Options" (B5 279)
- explanation of ellagic acid treatment | ellagitannins (B5 310-312)
- 7 non-toxic approaches to prostate cancer (B5 381)
- detailing treatments easier for young children or elderly adults (B5 425)
- ellagitannins
- embalming fluid
- EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing)
- "Releasing Suppressed Emotions" > "Action Steps" > 6 suggestions (B6 162)
- emotional healing
- importance of addressing & eliminating negative emotional situations (B4 445)
- emotional trauma
- "German New Medicine" > Dr. Hamer's theory on emotional trauma (B2 179)
- emotions (see also: positive emotions & suppressed emotions)
- emotions > dealing with resistance
- emotions > depression
- release fear & increase positive emotions > guided meditation & "tapping" (B6 125)
- emotions > fear of death
- emotions > quieting the mind
- "Deepening Your Spiritual Connection" > "...Stopping the Mind" (B6 226-227)
- emotions > repetitive
- long-held repetitive thoughts eventually becoming physical illness (B6 99)
- empirical evidence (based on direct observation)
- the difference between mainstream clinical and alternative observable evidence (B7 39)
- why we should see conventional medicine as the most alternative to true healing (B7 60)
- Budwig controversy: of whey & salmon in lieu of cottage cheese & flaxseed oil (B7 121)
- supplements > "Soul" > Dr. Brad Weeks talks about aches and pains relief (B7 139)
- supplements > glutathione > testimonies for Life Wave's Y-age Glutathione (B7 144)
- restructured, ionized water > its faster rate of assimilation (B7 158)
- the author's observations of the wide-ranging efficacy of ionized water (B7 163)
- clinical studies and empirical evidence in support of Reliv supplements (B7 178)
- "Where's the Proof? Testimonies from the Living; The Empirical Revolution" > ubiquitous stories (B7 258-259)
- making the case for the value of directly-observable alternative efficacy (B7 292)
- quotes from doctors on the observable results of natural medicine (B7 300)
- Extract A / Karkinos Extract / Prima Neuvera™ treatment > observational results (B7 334)
- emu oil
- "Transdermal anti-cancer therapy using emu oil" (B4 390)
- encapsulation, tumor
- Enderlein, Dr. Gunther
- in a list of doctors who's work has been lost or suppressed (B1 57)
- endometrial cancer (inner lining of the uterus)
- Is there a link between aspartame & endometrial cancer? | J. Hull, PhD (B5 25)
- treating uterine cancer with pau d'arco in South America (B5 299)
- how hormone imbalance impacts certain cancers in women (B5 332)
- Dr. John R. Lee on cancer increases due to "unopposed" estrogen (B5 336)
- tamoxifen & endometrial cancer | risk from estrogen dominance (B5 355-357)
- why short-term U.S. tamoxifen studies differ from European studies (B5 402)
- endometriosis
- endorphins
- endoscope / endoscopy (using cameras to view inside body)
- "How Cancer is Diagnosed" > endoscope's use in stomach or colon (B3 69)
- "Cancer Testing" > "Endoscopy" (B4 61)
- endostatin
- why tumor-removal surgery can promote new tumors > endostatin's role (B4 81)
- enema
- enema, coffee
- explaining the role of coffee enemas in Gerson therapy (B5 64-65)
- "A Brief Overview of the Current Standard Gerson Therapy" (B5 68-69)
- Chapter 7, "Dr. Kelley's Enzyme Therapy" > 5 basic components (B5 92)
- Kelley's enzyme therapy > overview of Gonzalez-Isaacs program (B5 94)
- Protocel® > "Case Story #6 - Melanoma, Stage 4" (B5 136)
- combining aspects of various non-toxic approaches (B5 423)
- comparing the difficulty levels among alternative treatments (B5 425)
- Enercel®
- homeopathic imprinting, energy medicine, mitochondrial regeneration (B7 336)
- energetic surgery
- "Deepening...Spiritual Connection" > John of God & glioblastoma reversal (B6 242)
- energy alignment
- "...Underlying Causes..." > "Energy Alignment" | meridians, chakras (B3 351)
- energy body (aka: etheric body)
- chi, qi, prana, vibrations, chakras, meridians, thoughts, emotions (B6 97-99)
- energy field
- long-term kidney cancer survival > sunrise meditation ritual | Kundalini (B6 66-67)
- energy kinesiology
- energy medicine
- cancer coaches > Dr. Veronique Desaulniers' training and experience (B7 194)
- "The Treatments: What I Would Do and Why" > "Earthing" (B7 197)
- discussing various treatments available at Hope4Cancer Institute, Mexico (B7 218)
- Tim Bolen: "[future of medicine] is in nutrition, detoxification, prevention, oxygen therapies, and energy medicine" (B7 254)
- noting the ongoing, behind-the-scenes alternative/natural research and development (B7 335)
- energy medicine > accessing intuition
- energy medicine > producing physical changes
- Susan's view of vibrational mind-body healing vs. Western medicine's (B6 97-100)
- energy medicine > releasing suppressed emotions
- energy medicine > removing stress factors
- negative health impact of ignoring intuition and bending to financial fears (B6 95)
- energy metabolism
- energy metabolism of healthy cells vs. cancer cells (B3 121)
- relationship between magnesium and energy metabolism (B3 261)
- iron, copper, iodine, & chromium in energy metabolism (B3 263-266)
- vitamins B1 and B2 in energy metabolism (B3 294-295)
- 3 ways "accessory factors" bolster health > "energy metabolism" (B3 320)
- energy transfer
- kidney cancer survival > the benefits of hugging & unconditional love (B6 70)
- Engdahl, F. William
- on the investigation of CDC-hired researcher, Dr. Poul Thorsen (B1 361)
- Enig, Mary
- on coconut oil's historically-known benefits | antimicrobial lipids (B1 263)
- enlarged prostate
- beta-sitosterol versus enlarged prostate (B4 383)
- Entelev® (see also: Protocel® and Cancell®)
- several pages devoted to Protocel® / Entelev® / Cancell® (B1 160)
- "Other Effective Cancer Therapies" > "Protocel® / Cancell®..." (B2 202-205)
- Chapter 9, "Protocel® History and Theory" | Jim Sheridan (B5 120)
- explaining why Sheridan chose the name Entelev® (B5 123)
- relationship between Entelev® development and catechols activity (B5 127)
- noting how Protocel®'s name has evolved (B5 129)
- Protocel® > "Case Story #4 - Breast Cancer Metastasized to Bones" (B5 133)
- Protocel® > "...Story #12: Kidney Cancer Metastasized to...Lungs" (B5 141)
- how Entelev®/Cancell® was suppressed | Jim Sheridan (B5 151-152)
- detailing FDA roadblocks to Entelev® trials | Protocel® (B5 154)
- how Ed Sopcak became involved in the Protocel® story (B5 156)
- historic success of Protocel® / Entelev® / Cancell® (B5 166)
- Entelev®'s relationship to Protocel® Formula 23 (B5 169)
- "What About Doing Radiation or Chemo Along With Protocel®?" (B5 196)
- "How Effective Is Protocel® for Cancer?" (B5 203)
- "Protocel® - How to Use It For Best Results" > "Resources" (B5 206)
- enterobacteria
- Dr. Nishihara on how low body-temperature promotes cellular infections (B6 111)
- entertainment sources
- "Increasing Positive Emotions" > "Action Steps" > healing of comedy (B6 191)
- Environmental Defense Council (EDC)
- report on toxic chemicals released into the environment | zeolites (B1 299)
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- on ozone's anti-pathogenic capabilities | Germany & ozone (B1 107)
- EPA statistic on commercially-used chemicals in the U.S. (B1 299)
- statistics compare harm of French fries vs. cigarettes | acrylamide (B1 304)
- method to calculate mercury risk due to seafood consumption (B1 314)
- aspartame > EPA's allowable daily methanol intake (B1 334)
- fluoride added to drinking water - as an EPA-regulated health hazard (B1 345)
- vaccinations exceeding EPA mercury limit | autism | MMR | DPT (B1 359)
- mercury & Alzheimer's > mercury's toxicity vs. lead's toxicity (B1 381)
- enzyme therapy (see: metabolic therapy)
- enzymes
- enzyme therapy as an alt. therapy dismissed by conventional doctors (B1 30)
- persecution & suppression: Gerson protocol & its pancreatic enzymes (B1 54)
- enzymes in cellular biology and in cancer cell biology (B1 82-87)
- defensive enzymes vs. reactive oxygen | SOD | GPx | GR | catalase (B1 107)
- hydrogen peroxide's stimulation of oxidative enzymes | Dr. Farr (B1 108)
- wound cleaning > enzyme catalase's reaction with hydrogen peroxide (B1 108)
- enzymes to include when using hydrogen peroxide internally (B1 109)
- Dr. Shallenberger: bio-oxidative therapies, antioxidant enzyme system (B1 110)
- Dr. Beck's "Blood Electrifier" - targeting an enzyme to stop microbes (B1 112)
- Brandt / Kehr Grape Cure > pasteurization of grape juice vs. enzymes (B1 113)
- Budwig > Ed McCabe: connection between EFA's & respir. enzymes (B1 116)
- enzymes / metabolic therapy | trophoblasts | Dr. John Beard (B1 125-128)
- the important role of pancreatic enzymes in Gerson therapy (B1 139)
- enzymes - their availability to the body through juicing vegetables (B1 140)
- a combo of nutrients to block a cancer cell's hyaluronidase enzyme (B1 147)
- coenzyme Q10 is mentioned in the Protocel™ section (B1 163)
- vitamin B17 > various enzymes and coenzymes | laetrile (B1 171-174)
- hydrazine sulfate impacts this enzyme to break the cachexia cycle (B1 200)
- cachexia cycle > how hydrazine sulfate works by inhibiting an enzyme (B1 202)
- PEMF > how trans-membrane potential affects enzyme activity (B1 207)
- how improper food combining can neutralize enzymes (B1 217)
- detoxification / blood cleansing > how digestive enzymes can help (B1 223)
- how processing of food impacts vitamins and enzymes (B1 226)
- list of enzymes & other foods / factors that fight or prevent cancer (B1 227)
- food processing vs. vital enzymes (B1 228)
- the many health benefits of juicing vegetables > enzymes (B1 229)
- enzymes in sprouts, plant foods, and phytonutrients (B1 230)
- a 3-page section devoted to enzymes and their vital role in health (B1 232-234)
- magnesium's critical role in enzyme reactions (B1 235)
- zinc's critical role in enzyme reactions (B1 237)
- health-promoting properties of chlorella & spirulina > enzymes (B1 243)
- enzymes in bee pollen & raw honey (B1 249)
- bee products > coenzymes in royal jelly (B1 250)
- colloidal silver > how antibiotics affect beneficial bacteria & enzymes (B1 258)
- echinacea's activity against the harmful enzyme: hyaluronidase (B1 260)
- list of glutathione's important roles > regulation of enzymes (B1 269)
- benefits of oxidative enzyme systems stimulated by H2O2 (B1 272)
- enzymes in Living Fuel's Super Greens (B1 275)
- beneficial bacteria & enzyme production | protease | lipase (B1 287)
- enzymes, Protandim®, & proteolytic enzymes (B1 289-292)
- MSC's enzyme conversion into methylselenol | beta-lyase | selenium (B1 295)
- sugar, syrup & sodas > enzymes - in manufacture of HFCS (B1 305)
- enzyme inhibitors in soybeans & alkaline soaking | lysinoalanine (B1 311)
- brain, mercury amalgam, & tubulin enzyme suppression | Dr. Haley (B1 381)
- enzyme inhibitors in soybeans & alkaline soaking | lysinoalanine (B1 396)
- enzyme therapy at Clinic of Biomedicine (Toronto) (B1 411)
- enzyme therapy at Dr. Gonzalez's clinic (NYC) (B1 412)
- enzyme therapy at New Hope Medical Center (Scottsdale, AZ) (B1 414)
- the enzyme glucosidase in the cancer killing mechanism of vit. B17 (B1 433)
- "Cancer Self-Treatments...." > "Greens & Enzymes" > Bob Davis (B2 154)
- digestive enzymes & mistletoe - as cancer drugs in Germany (B3 32)
- digestive enzymes & this vitamin can help dissolve HCG coating (B3 43)
- "Nutrients as Biological Response Modifiers" > enzymes (B3 82)
- nutrients & conditions that enhance the immune system > enzymes (B3 86)
- low enzyme output affecting nutrition | 4 causes of nutrient deficiencies (B3 92)
- 4 ways to get the immune system working > enzymes (B3 105)
- digestive enzymes (plus these 2 vitamins) - to remove HCG coating (B3 108)
- nutrients & conditions that enhance the immune system > enzymes (B3 108)
- copper's role in several important enzyme reactions (B3 264-265)
- molybdenum's function in hydroxylation enzyme reactions (B3 268)
- Chapter 20, "Enzymes" (B3 270-273)
- why supplemental pancreatic enzymes are important (B4 372)
- enzymes > digestive
- enzymes > pancreatic
- eosinophils
- leukocytes > eosinophils & granulocytes | phagocytosis (B1 83)
- Epican Forte (supplement)
- Dr. Matthias Rath > Heart Plus vs. Rath's Epican Forte (B2 153)
- epicatechin
- in a list of green tea's health-promoting polyphenols (B3 236)
- EpiCor (fermented yeast product)
- "Other Anti-Cancer Formulations" > EpiCor & the immune system (B4 391)
- epigallocatechin gallate (see also: EGCG)
- in a list of green tea's health-promoting polyphenols (B3 236)
- "...Science Behind Herbs & Supplements" > green tea anticancer activity (B6 117)
- epigenetics
- Having a gene is one thing, but the real question is: Is it switched "on"? (B6 229)
- breast cancer & antiperspirants > aluminum's ability to alter DNA (B7 84)
- episomes > preventing their formation
- epithelial tissue / skin maintenance
- skin maintenance as a function of vitamin A, to benefit patients (B3 275)
- Epsom salts
- "Detoxification" > "Epsom salts" | magnesium (B4 203)
- Epstein, Dr. Samuel
- on the history of conflict-of-interest between ACS, NCI, & AMA (B1 7)
- Dr. Epstein linking rBGH & IGF with breast cancer (B1 186)
- his book & breast cancer risk associated with mammograms (B1 188)
- on the greatly increased risk of secondary cancers after chemotherapy and radiation (B7 57)
- Equal (see also: aspartame)
- Erasmus, Udo (author of: Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill)
- erbitox (chemotherapy drug)
- the profit priority and ineffectiveness of chemo | Fran Hawthorne (B4 154)
- exaggerating the effectiveness of highly profitable new cancer drugs (B5 417)
- ergosterol
- in a discussion on the benefits of vitamin D (B3 280)
- Ermakova, Dr. Irina
- on rat mortality in offspring of mothers fed GMO soy (B1 328)
- Ernst, Dr. Siegfried
- Dr. Siegfried Ernst's cancer recovery via Budwig diet (B2 147)
- erythrocytes (see: "red blood cells")
- escharotic(s)
- external treatment of skin cancer with escharotic pastes & salves (B1 194-195)
- use of escharotics on non-malignant skin cancers (B3 240)
- escozul
- (36) "Other Anti-Cancer Formulations" > "Escozul" | scorpion | Cuba (B4 391)
- Eskimos
- Chapter 6, "Laetrile" > sources of vitamin B17 in the Eskimo diet (B5 74)
- G. Edward Griffin explains statistics on vitamin B17 anti-cancer effect (B7 304)
- esophageal cancer
- why esophageal cancer patients may want to include strawberries (B4 259)
- essential fatty acids (EFA's)
- quality of cell wall construction if high-quality EFA's are lacking | hypoxia (B1 95)
- importance of EFA's in the Budwig diet (B1 114-117)
- the role of EFA's in Gerson Therapy (B1 140)
- the superfood status of hemp, and its essential fatty acid content (B1 141)
- EFA's in CocoChia™ bars (B1 255)
- a 4-page section devoted to essential oils and fats (B1 262-265)
- essential fats in Living Fuel's "Super Greens" (B1 275)
- making the distinction between healthful and harmful food oils (B4 262)
- essential nutrient pyramid
- surviving vs. thriving & "Applied Human Clinical Nutrition" pyramid (B3 143)
- Essiac Canada International
- as a recommended source for high quality Essiac tea (B7 235)
- Essiac tea / formula
- a section devoted to Essiac tea (B1 129-133)
- "Other Effective Cancer Therapies" > "Essiac Tea" | Caisse (B2 200-201)
- list of nutrients shown to bolster immune functions > Essiac tea (B3 10)
- list of herbals for consideration by cancer patients > Essiac formula (B3 240)
- "Herbal Formulas and Combination Therapies" (15 total) > "Essiac" (B4 296)
- Chapter 4, "Essiac Tea" (B5 55-61)
- noting Hoxsey, Essiac, and Gerson therapies (B5 63)
- 26 supplements or therapies to avoid with Protocel® use (B5 176)
- 714X > the combination therapy used by Billy Best (B5 250)
- cesium > "Case Story #3 - Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma of the Stomach" (B5 268)
- several effective alternative treatments for prostate cancer (B5 370)
- 7 treatments with excellent track records for prostate cancer (B5 381)
- obtaining highest quality herbs | combining parts of different protocols (B5 423)
- 10 alternative treatments that are easiest to administer (B5 425)
- 11 examples of scientific credentials of alternative pioneers (B5 451)
- "Additional Therapies, Treatments, Protocols and Supplements - Evaluated" > "Essiac Tea" (B7 234)
- estradiol
- estriol
- estrogen
- relationship between some cancers and hormones like estrogen (B3 40)
- estrogen-like compounds & breast / ovarian cancer treatment (B3 234-235)
- ginseng & estrogen | estrogen receptors & estrogen-like compounds (B3 235)
- 4 benefits of food-extracts > escort excess estrogen from body (B3 305)
- anti-cancer properties of glucaric acid > aid estrogen removal (B3 329)
- estro. mimics, metabolites, sodium, magnesium, glucose, bisphenol A (B4 26)
- pesticides mimicking estrogen and accumulating in the body (B5 27)
- G. Edward Griffin on cancer as an out-of-control healing process (B5 89)
- Can Protocel® and tamoxifen be taken at the same time? (B5 181)
- Chapter 19, "What Women Must Know About Hormones" (B5 331-349)
- tamoxifen | estrogen dominance | hormone testing methods (B5 355-358)
- advantages of working with a doctor for progesterone supplementation (B5 362)
- use of hormone therapies for prostate cancer | DES (B5 369)
- Dr. John Lee deconstructs the fallicy that "testosterone feeds cancer" (B5 377)
- prostate > risk of estrogen dominance w/ testosterone-blocking drugs (B5 380)
- estrogen and body fat
- the 4 main causes of estrogen dominance in women (B5 348-349)
- estrogen and cancer
- risks of "unopposed" estrogen | the case for natural progesterone (B5 335-336)
- estrogen and diet
- how fruit & vegetable phytoestrogens help w/ estrogen dominance (B5 346-348)
- estrogen and xenoestrogens
- the cancer and reproductive threat from estrogen-like chemicals (B5 344-346)
- estrogen dominance > women
- women and hormones > "Estrogen Dominance" (B5 333-335)
- estrogen receptors
- ginseng & estrogen | estrogen receptors & estrogen-like compounds (B3 235)
- estrone
- ethanol
- aspartame > ethanol and the methanol in fruits & vegetables (B1 334)
- etheric body (see: energy body)
- ethyl mercury / thimerosal
- thimerosal in a list of toxins in vaccines (B1 354)
- why & how thimerosal is still used in vaccine manufacturing (B1 361)
- thimerosal in this story of a child's recovery from autism | Dr. Buttar (B1 366)
- Eli Lilly (thimerosal maker) & their vaccine lawsuits immunity (B1 372)
- HAPI investigation: how / why thimerosal is still present in vaccines (B1 376)
- ethylene glycol
- ethylene glycol in a list of toxins added to vaccinations (B1 354)
- etiology (the study of the causes of diseases)
- a graphic representation of the "Etiology for Most Diseases" (B3 332-333)
- eulexin (testosterone-blocking drug)
- European Union Parliament / EU Parliament
- evening primrose oil
- borage & evening primrose in a list of cancer-helpful oils (B3 12)
- evening primrose oil as an accepted cancer therapy in England (B3 32)
- and the importance of building healthy cell membranes (B3 37)
- production of prostaglandins & intake of evening primrose oil (B3 40)
- benefits of borage or evening primrose oil supplementation (B3 251-252)
- Ewing, Oscar
- the role he played in initiating municipal water fluoridation (B5 466)
- excitotoxins
- excretion (see also: detoxification)
- how nutrition affects detoxification (B3 33)
- incidence of cancer vs. exposure to toxins | pathways of detoxification (B3 38)
- 'toxic burden' as cause of cancer | detoxification necessity (B3 44)
- "What Causes Cancer?" > "Toxic Overload" > detoxification reasoning (B3 47)
- a list of "Common Pathogenic Conditions" includes: toxic burden (B3 48)
- exercise
- a list of the 4 primary causes of cancer includes: lack of exercise (B3 44)
- how exercise can benefit cancer patients (B3 49-50)
- 'lack of exercise' as contributing factor to weak immune systems (B3 106)
- 4 ways to slow tumor growth > exercise affecting glucose (B3 113)
- this exercise offers impressive benefits to breast cancer patients (B4 455)
- exercise > as healing factor
- breast cancer study: significant survival benefit w/ fruits, veggies, exercise (B6 23)
- stage 3 breast cancer recovery > Ginni details her comprehensive changes (B6 33)
- the many healing factors leading to long-term prostate cancer recovery (B6 39)
- how Susan included exercise in beating a dire pancreatic cancer prognosis (B6 92)
- emphasizing the powerful healing benefits of exercise (B6 282)
- exercise > for social support
- "Embracing Social Support" > 4 steps for strengthening social support (B6 214)
- exercise > increasing positive emotions
- 6 "Action Steps" for increasing positive emotions (B6 191)
- exercise > meditative outdoor walks
- exercise > ongoing
- extracorporeal loop (temporarily treating blood outside the body)
- explaining different methods of administering hyperthermia treatment (B7 232)
- Extract A (see: Karkinos Extract)